Senin, 17 Mei 2010
Punahnya Hutan Suku Talang Mamak
Hutan dengan pohon-pohon besar yang dahulu memenuhi halaman gubuk sudah tidak kelihatan lagi dan berganti dengan pohon-pohon kelapa sawit kecil yang baru ditanam. Pemandangan di depan gubuk menjadi sangat kontras tatkala bunga berwarna kuning yang ditanam Patih Laman sedang mekar-mekarnya.
Di pondok kayu itu, sekitar tiga bulan lalu, Patih Laman (90), mantan kepala suku Talang Mamak, suku asli masyarakat Riau di Kecamatan Rakit Kulim, Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, melakukan "protes keras" atas perusakan hutan adat sukunya untuk dijadikan kebun kelapa sawit. Laman melakukan aksi semadi di gubuk hutan itu sendirian selama tiga pekan. Hanya saja, tubuh tuanya sudah tidak bisa lagi bertahan dan Laman pun jatuh sakit.
Di tengah sakitnya, awal Maret 2010, Laman berangkat ke Pekanbaru untuk mencari dukungan wartawan dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat pemerhati lingkungan untuk mengembalikan Piala Kalpataru. Namun, ada perbedaan pendapat di kalangan LSM pemerhati lingkungan sehingga pengembalian Kalpataru itu batal.
Yang pasti, protes Laman tidak didengar. Hutan Talang Mamak sudah tidak bisa dipertahankan lagi. Hutan di sekeliling gubuk yang kini sudah ditanami kelapa sawit itu adalah sebagian kecil dari hutan adat yang tersisa milik suku Talang Mamak yang semakin tidak terkendali berubah menjadi kebun sawit.
"Lebih baik saya mati ditembak bila hutan kami yang tersisa ini pun dijadikan kebun kelapa sawit," ujar Laman dengan nada sendu dan meneteskan air mata ketika meninjau gubuk itu awal pekan ini.
Air mata Laman ternyata tidak ada artinya.
Siapakah Patih Laman? Mengapa dia menangisi hutan yang hilang?
Tahun 2003, Patih Laman adalah salah seorang penerima anugerah pelestarian lingkungan hidup, Kalpataru, dari Presiden Megawati. Kalpataru itu adalah penghargaan atas kerja keras suku Talang Mamak melestarikan empat hutan adatnya, yakni hutan adat Panyabungan dan Panguanan, Sungai Tunu, Durian Cacar serta hutan adat Kelumbuk Tinggi Baner yang luasnya berkisar 1.800 hektar.
Hutan itu dahulunya sangat bagus dan indah, dipenuhi pepohonan alam, tinggi menjulang nan asri. Namun, saat Kompas mendatangi kawasan itu pada awal pekan ini, nyaris tidak ada lagi sisa keasrian hutan yang pernah mendapat anugerah Kalpataru itu. Pemandangan di sana kini tidak ubahnya seperti lokasi perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Di mana-mana yang terlihat hanya kelapa sawit dan kelapa sawit. Kalaupun ada pemandangan berbeda, sesekali terlihat pepohonan karet yang tidak tertata rapi. Tidak tampak lagi pepohonan besar, kecuali satu dua pohon sialang yang masih dibiarkan hidup tinggi menjulang di hamparan pepohonan sawit.
Kondisi hutan Panyabungan dan Panguanan sudah ditangisi Patih Laman. Hutan adat Sungai Tunu dan Desa Talang Selantai sudah hilang sama sekali. Sekarang ini yang terlihat hanya hamparan kebun kelapa sawit milik PT Selantai Agro Lestari. Di tengah-tengah hutan adat itu berdiri perumahan dan kantor perkebunan itu. Hutan adat Durian Cacar dan Kelumbuk Tinggi Baner nyaris sama kondisinya.
Hutan adat Talang Mamak memang nyaris tinggal nama saja. Padahal, pada tahun 2006, hutan itu sempat diagendakan untuk diperkuat payung hukumnya melalui peraturan daerah. Bupati Indragiri Hilir dan Ketua DPRD Inhu bahkan sempat menandatangani Surat Kesepakatan Bersama (SKB) Nomor 31 Tahun 2006 tentang Hutan Adat Suku Talang Mamak. Sayangnya, sejak SKB itu ditandatangani, tidak pernah ada lagi kelanjutan peraturan daerah yang sempat direncanakan itu. Pemerintah Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu pun seakan tidak peduli dengan kerusakan itu.
Patih Gading, cucu kandung Patih Laman yang kini menjadi penerus kepala suku Talang Mamak, mengatakan, hutan Talang Mamak telah menjadi korban kerakusan orang-orang yang tidak memikirkan lingkungan. Ada dua oknum yang dianggap sebagai biang keladi penjualan lahan-lahan hutan kepada orang-orang luar. Pertama adalah Kepala Desa Durian Cacar "H" dan mantan patih "Y' yang tidak lain merupakan cucu luar dari Patih Laman juga.
"Y' diberhentikan sebagai kepala suku oleh Raja Indragiri karena tidak mematuhi sumpah adat membayar utang pusaka. Meski demikian, di lapangan dia masih memiliki kekuasaan dan tidak dapat dihalangi untuk menjual lahan-lahan Talang Mamak.
"Kami sudah melaporkan kasus penjualan hutan Talang Mamak itu kepada polisi. Sayangnya belum ada kelanjutan kasus itu. Saya berharap orang-orang itu dapat dihukum. Bagi Talang Mamak, saudara tidak perlu dibela bila melanggar adat apalagi aturan hukum," tutur Laman.
Seorang teman bertanya, apa yang mesti dilakukan oleh Patih Laman selanjutnya?
Kembalikan saja Piala Kalpataru itu. Untuk apa lagi memegang Piala Kalpataru, sementara hutan yang mendapat penghargaan itu sudah nyaris punah.
The 4-Year-Old Baby Finally Quits Smoking
According one of doctors treating the baby, dr Mardhani Yoso Prawoto SpA (K), the patient has totally stopped smoking and cursing. "If he finishes the treatment, he must get a new and conducive environment for recovery so he is free from the influence of grown-ups who ever offered him cigarettes and taught him to brag nasty words."
Sandi is going to be placed at a new environment in Sawojajar area, Malang City. Minister for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Linda Gumelar who visited the boy yesterday afternoon hoped that regional governments can maximize their service to protect under-age children. Linda Gumelar believes that many cases sort of Sandi's that are still untouched. (SURYA/Wahyu Nurdiyanto)
Iran to Ship Uranium to Turkey in Nuclear Deal
The deal was reached in talks with Brazil and Turkey, elevating a new group of mediators for the first time in the dispute over Iran's nuclear activities. There was no immediate comment from the United States and the other world powers that have led earlier negotiations as to whether the new deal would satisfy them and stave off a fourth round of U.N. sanctions.
"It was agreed during the trilateral meeting of Iranian, Turkish and Brazilian leaders that Turkey will be the venue for swapping" Iran's stocks of enriched uranium for nuclear fuel rods to power a medical research reactor, Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said on state TV Monday.
The deal would deprive Iran — at least temporarily — of the stocks of enriched uranium that it could process to the higher levels of enrichment needed in weapons production. The material returned to Iran in the form of fuel rods could not be processed beyond its lower, safer levels, which are suitable for use in the Tehran research reactor.
The deal goes to the heart of international concern over Tehran's nuclear activities. Earlier negotiations led by Germany and the five permanent U.N. Security Council members — the U.S., Britain, France, Russia and China — have sought to stop Iran from enriching uranium, and thereby deprive it of a possible pathway to nuclear weapons.
Monday's deal was announced after talks between Brazil's president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran.
The deal could revive a plan drafted by the U.N. and first proposed in October, though it's not clear exactly how close it is to the original proposal, which was ultimately rejected by Iran after some initial mixed signals.
Some of the details provided by the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Mehmanparast, are the same.
For example, under the new plan Iran will ship 2,600 pounds — or about 1,200 kilograms — of uranium enriched to low levels to Turkey to trade it for fuel rods containing uranium enriched to higher levels, Mehmanparast said.
That would happen one month after a final deal is signed between Iran and its main negotiating partners and the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency.
It appears Iran had dropped an earlier demand for the fuel exchange to happen in stages, rather than providing its material in a single batch. It has also dropped an insistence for the exchange to happen inside Iran.
It was not clear if it was giving up on a request to receive the fuel rods at the same moment and whether they would still be manufactured in France, as called for in the U.N. draft. The U.N. draft has a gap of about a year to allow time to manufacture the fuel rods.
Iran first reached out to Turkey and Brazil in its efforts to avoid tougher U.N. sanctions for its refusal to stop enriching uranium altogether. Both countries are non-permanent members of the Security Council.
Monday's deal was signed by the foreign ministers of Iran, Turkey and Brazil.
Iran says its enrichment program is only meant to develop fuel for peaceful uses, such as producing nuclear energy.
Mehmanparast said a letter will be sent to the IAEA within a week to pave the way for a final agreement.
"Should they be ready, an agreement will be signed between us and the group," he said, referring to the U.S., France, Russia and the IAEA.
A month later, the uranium — currently enriched to a level of 3.5 percent — would be sent to Turkey, where it would be stored under IAEA and Iranian supervision, Mehmanparast said. The fuel rods would contain material process to just under 20 percent.
Enrichment of 90 percent is needed to produce material for nuclear warheads.
Rupiah Weakens 35 Points against US Dollar
The Indonesian currency traded Rp9,125-Rp9,135 per US dollar, down 35 points from Rp9,090-Rp9,100 per US dollar from the market’s close over last weekend.
Rully Nova, a research analyst of PT Bank Himpunan Saudara Tbk, predicted that the rupiah would fluctuate at a narrow range of between Rp9,100 and Rp9,150 per US dollar during this week.
The Solid-Gold iPad
But now he has produced his masterpiece - the highly sought-after Apple gadget covered in 22ct gold and 53 individual diamonds. The luxury iPad has sparkling gems set into its Apple logo, as well as a solid-gold rear and screen surround.
Fans of the blinged-up device should bring their money with them, however, as Mr Hughes's 2.1kg unique iPad also weighs in with a hefty price tag of £130,000 - more than 180 times pricier than even the most expensive UK model.
Mr Hughes's website describes the unique gadget as 'outstanding even down to the precise polishing to reveal its most beautiful harmonious appearance'.
It continues: 'A magnificent combination of top-of-the-industry technology and unrivalled craftsmanship was invloved in creating this masterpiece.'
Mr Hughes, 39, from Liverpool, started creating the super-plush gadgets with wife Katherine eight years ago.
He makes the stunning gizmos by casting moulds in the shapes of the gadgets, before pouring in gold to complete the process, which can sometimes take up to six weeks.
The couple offer luxury customised phones, like diamond-encrusted Blackberrys, as well as the ultimate games console - a gold-plated Nintendo Wii 'Supreme' costing £300,000.
For those who can't quite stretch to £130,000, Mr Hughes also offers a budget gold-plated iPad for a mere £2,000.
He said: 'The process works for objects and gadgets people can relate to, and when we're finished with the products they can often look bizarre and outrageous.
'We've gone for the higher end of the gadget market. When someone spends £80,000 on an expensive car, they don't want to drive it home and find their nextdoor neighbour has got the same one.
SBY: Completely Different!
"This consultative forum is not meant to take over the cabinet’s functions and duties." "This is completely different. Despite their differences, there is indeed a chain connecting the cabinet and the consultative forum," the head of state said.
The joint secretariat was a forum that would facilitate members of the coalition parties in both executive and legislative bodies to promote mutual coordination and consultation, he said.
"The objectives are for consultation and justice ... so it is not true if the forum is designed as a decision making body to be then executed in the cabinet," President Yudhoyono said.
The president said Indonesia adopted a presidential system, not parliamentary one, so that the decisions, policies and action programs are made by the cabinet. In the cabinet, there were indeed representatives of the coalescing political parties, he said adding that the joint secretariat was a legal forum.
The political parties in the government coalition respected those playing balancing roles to enliven Indonesian democracy. Yudhoyono said the head of the joint-secretariat was the president because he signed the coalition contracts with such parties as the Golkar Party, National Mandate Party (PAN), the United Development Party (PPP), the National Awakening Party (PKB), and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).
Due to a possibility that the president was not always active, he was then assisted by an executive chairman but the assistance did not mean that he delegated his authority to the executive chairman. The joint secretariat was expected to improve the coordination effectiveness among coalition partners for bettering the country’s democracy, he said.
"This is again meant to enable the coalition government to run more effectively. The coordination and consultation mechanism for coalition partners in parliament with the government will also be workable well," he said.
The formation of this joint-secretariat itself and appointment of Golkar Party Chairman Aburizal Bakrie as its executive chairman had raised questions. The PKS, for instance questioned the timing of the formation of the Joint Secretariat of the political parties in the government coalition.
"Like a baby, the establishment of the Joint Secretariat has been contaminated by the poison of fetal membrane liquid," PKS executive board chairman Mahfudz Sidiq said over the weekend.
He said the formation of the Joint Secretariat had raised questions because it was done only nine months after President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono took office. "It should have been formed soon after the president was sworn in October last year," he said.
In reality, however, it was established in May 2010 or nine months after the president assumed power. Commenting on Aburizal Bakrie’s appointment, the University of Indonesia (UI) political analyst Arbi Sanit recently said that Bakrie had shown political shrewdness by his maneuvering to gain the key position.
"Golkar’s recent maneuvering clearly shows the Golkar Party and Ical (Aburizal Bakrie)’s shrewdness and at the same time SBY (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) and his Democrat Party (PD)’s weakness," he said.
Golkar had gotten what it wanted, namely removing Sri Mulyani (finance minister) while the Democrat Party which was supposed to be in control, had met Golkar’s wish, he said. President Yudhoyono made a working visit to Singapore and Malaysia on May 17-19 to strengthen bilateral ties.
The head of state was accompanied by several ministers, members of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), and top government officials, including Chairman of Regional Representatives Council (DPD) Irman Gusman, Top Security Minister Djoko Suyanto, Coordinating Minister for Economy Hatta Radjasa, Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, and Minister, State Secretary Sudi Silalahi.
Minggu, 16 Mei 2010
The Indonesian archipelago has been an important trade region since at least the seventh century, when Srivijaya and then later Majapahit traded with China and India. Local rulers gradually adopted Indian cultural, religious and political models from the early centuries CE, and Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms flourished. Indonesian history has been influenced by foreign powers drawn to its natural resources. Muslim traders brought Islam, and European powers fought one another to monopolize trade in the Spice Islands of Maluku during the Age of Discovery. Following three and a half centuries of Dutch colonialism, Indonesia secured its independence after World War II. Indonesia's history has since been turbulent, with challenges posed by natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process, and periods of rapid economic change.
Across its many islands, Indonesia consists of distinct ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. The Javanese are the largest—and the politically dominant—ethnic group. Indonesia has developed a shared identity defined by a national language, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism within a majority Muslim population, and a history of colonialism including rebellion against it. Indonesia's national motto, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" ("Unity in Diversity" literally, "many, yet one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country. Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of wilderness that support the world's second highest level of biodiversity. The country is richly endowed with natural resources, yet poverty remains widespread in contemporary Indonesia
Google Grabs Personal Info off of Wi-Fi Networks
Even Google was troubled by its behavior, and issued a public apology Friday. The company said it only recently discovered the problem in response to an inquiry from German regulators.
"Maintaining people's trust is crucial to everything we do, and in this case we fell short," Alan Eustace, Google's top engineering executive, wrote in a blog post.
Google characterized its collection of snippets from e-mails and Web surfing done on public Wi-Fi networks as a mistake, and said it has taken steps to avoid a recurrence. About 600 gigabytes of data was taken off of the Wi-Fi networks in more than 30 countries, including the U.S. Google plans to delete it all as soon as it gains clearance from government authorities.
None of the information has appeared in Google's search engine or other services, according to Eustace.
Nevertheless, Google's decision to hold on to the Wi-Fi data until it hears back from regulators shows the company realizes it could face legal repercussions. At the very least, company officials concede that snooping on Wi-Fi networks, however inadvertent, crossed an ethical line.
"We are acutely aware that we failed badly here," Eustace wrote.
Google's contrition may not be enough to allay growing concerns about whether the company can be trusted with the vast storehouse of personal information that it has gathered through its search engine, e-mail and other services.
Fears that Google is morphing into a real-life version of "Big Brother" has spurred previous privacy complaints, as well as pleas for more stringent regulation of the company.
Consumer Watchdog, a group that has become one of Google's most outspoken critics, renewed its call for a regulatory crackdown Friday.
"Once again, Google has demonstrated a lack of concern for privacy," said Consumer Watchdog's John Simpson. "Its computer engineers run amok, push the envelope and gather whatever data they can until their fingers are caught in the cookie jar."
The Wi-Fi data was sucked up while Google expanded a mapping feature called "Street View" that also has pressed privacy hot buttons. Street View provides photographs of neighborhoods taken by Google cameras that have sometimes captured people doing things they didn't want to be seen doing, or in places where they didn't want to be seen.
As it set out to photograph neighborhoods around the world, Google equipped its vehicles with antenna as well as cameras so it could create a database with the names of Wi-Fi networks and the coding of Wi-Fi routers.
What Google didn't know, Eustace said, is that some experimental software was being used in the Street View project, and that programming picked up the Web surfing on publicly accessible Wi-Fi networks if the company's vehicles were within range of the signal.
Google only gathered small bits of information because its vehicles were on the move and its tracking equipment switched channels five times a second.
The incident has prompted Google to abandon its effort to collect Wi-Fi network data. In an apparent show of its commitment to privacy, Google also said it will introduce a new option next week that will allow its users to encrypt searches on its Web site as an added protection against unauthorized snooping.
British Warplanes Intercepting Russian Nuclear Bombers
Tornado fighters are scrambled. They intercept the Blackjack bomber and shadow it until the Russian pilots turn for home. But this is no isolated incident. Astonishingly, such high-stakes games of cat and mouse are being played out in the skies off Britain at least once a month.
State-of-the-art British warplanes have taken to the air 64 times since 2006 to head off Russian aircraft, figures reveal. They are being scrambled to repel the 1,380mph Tu160 Blackjack and Tu95 Bear bombers.
The RAF's elite 'Quick Reaction Alert' force is being called into action following the Kremlin's growing tendency to flex its muscles and test Western response times to its increasingly aggressive incursions.
Tornado F3 fighters from 111 Squadron based at RAF Leuchars in Fife and Typhoon F2s - also known as Eurofighters - from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire are on 24-hour standby.
The revelations come after the RAF was forced to axe the number of Tornado training flights in a bid to save £80,000 a month on fuel and other costs.
Defence chiefs admitted in March that RAF warplanes were scrambled no fewer than 20 times last year to warn off Russian bombers. But the latest statistics, revealed under the Freedom of Information Act, uncover the true extent of Russian premier Vladimir Putin's sabre-rattling.
International experts believe the missions are an attempt by Russia to re-assert itself as a superpower after crippling budget cuts forced it to scrap the flights in the 1990s. The supersonic Tu160, nicknamed the White Swan by its pilots, can carry up to 40tons of weapons including cruise or short-range nuclear missiles.
Mr Putin, himself a former Blackjack pilot, is suspected of ordering the training missions to the fringes of UK airspace. Now the RAF has released a series of dramatic pictures taken by British airmen who tracked a Blackjack warplane for four hours as it snaked along the Outer Hebrides.
British fighter pilots intercepted the Russians in international airspace near Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis, and took photographs of the planes in the dawn light. The two Tornados shadowed the bombers for hundreds of miles before they turned away.
An RAF spokesman said that the revival of the training runs was not seen as a threat. But Matthew Clements, Eurasia analyst of Jane's Defence News, said: 'Although ostensibly these are for training purposes they also provide Russia with a symbolic show that it is able to project its power beyond its own borders.'
Defence aviation analyst Mike Gething said: 'Each side is doing what it's supposed to do: they're training.
'The Russians have got a bomber force that they need to train, and they like long flights to this part of the world.
'But make no mistake - when those aircraft meet one another each side is taking pictures and monitoring radio conversations, and other emissions, from each other's aircraft.
'It's an intelligence-gathering exercise as much as a training exercise.'
A spokesman for the Russian Embassy said: 'It's just training flights - nothing more than that.
'As any other country, Russia has the right to conduct patrol flights in the international airspace-strictly abiding by the corresponding international regulations.
'Russian strategic aircraft have never entered into sovereign UK airspace or that of other states.'
Terrorist Cells Continue to Develop in Indonesia
Although notorious top Southeast Asian terrorist leaders Dr Azhari and Noerdin M Top have been eliminated , terrorist cells continue to develop in Indonesia with a target to turn Aceh province as their base in Southeast Asia. Early last March, the anti terror unit was successful in disclosing the terrorist target to make Aceh as a base in Southeast Asia after they arrested 19 terror suspects in Aceh, West Java and Jakarta early last March.
The arrests led to the disclosure of the hideouts of Dulmatin, a highly-wanted suspected terrorist in terror movements in Java, Ambon, Poso and in the Philippines. Dulmatin and two accomplices were shot dead in separate raids in Pamulang, South Tengerang near Jakarta. Not more than two months after Dulmantin’s raid, anti-terror police were again seized hideouts of terror suspects killing five and arresting at least 16 others over the past two weeks.
On Friday last week, National Police spokesman Inspector General Edward Aritonang said anti-terror police unit had arrested 12 people suspected to be members of a terrorist network holding military-like training in Aceh recently.
"Yes, it’s true that arrests have been made in three locations on 12 alleged terrorists," he said. Densus 88 anti-terror unit arrested three of them in Setu, Bekasi, West Java, seven in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, and one in a hotel in Menteng, Central Jakarta and another one in Petamburan, Central Jakarta.
Five days later, police shot dead five suspected terrorists in shootouts in Cililitan, East Jakarta, and Cikampek, West Java. One terrorist suspect was arrested in the shootouts.
Edward Aritonang said in Cililitan, police shot dead three terror suspects. One of them was identified as Maulana while the other two still could not be identified. Maulana who was armed with a revolver was shot dead as he resisted arrest.
"Maulana’s two accomplices were dead on their way to the hospital," he said. Maulana had been named a fugitive since his alleged involvement in the terrorist activity in Jantho, Aceh Besar district, in February 2010.
On the same day, police also shot dead two terror suspects and arrested another in the West Java town of Cikampek. One of the slain terrorist suspects was identified as Saptono. He also had been put in the wanted list for his alleged part in the terrorist activity in Jantho, Aritonang said. Saptono was the younger brother of Jaja, one of terror suspects shot dead in front of Lampeung police precinct in Aceh Besar, sometime earlier, he said.
"Saptono was good at using firearms and knew much about ammunition," he said.
The next day, following the shooting to death of Saptono, police made other arrests in Central Java. Three people were arrested in Solo, Central Java, on May 13, for alleged involvement in terrorism. They are linked to terrorism training activities unveiled in Aceh last February.
"One of them is believed to play a role as a training planner," National Police deputy spokesman Brigadier General Zaenuri Lubis said. The people did not defy the arrest and so no fire had been opened like in the arrest of six alleged terrorists in Cawang, East Jakarta, and Cikampek, West Java on Wednesday, May 12, 2010.
"The arrests in Solo and Sukoharjo were the continuation of arrests made in Cawang and Cikampek," he said.
From them in Solo the police confiscated some weapons and hundred rounds of ammunition. "They were taken to Jakarta that day for investigation," he said.
Documents confiscated from terror suspects indicated that they had planned to attack the Independence Day ceremony next August 17. Speaking at a press conference here on Friday, Danuri said the police learned about their plan from documents confiscated from terror suspects arrested in Bekasi, West Java, and in Sukoharjo, Central Java, on Wednesday and Thursday.
"They planned to attack all officials attending the ceremony. All the state officials at the event would be killed, including state guests," he said.
For the purpose, the terror group had assigned a suspect named Suhardi alias Usman to take 21 firearms including a grenade launcher. After the attack was successfully carried out and all state officials were killed, they would replace the country’s democratic system with a system of their choice.
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto who also attended the press conference meanwhile said what the national police chief had disclosed was not fabricated but based on the results of research, study and interrogation of suspects.
In the meantime, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono praised the police performance in the fight against terrorism marked by the arrests of members of terrorist networks in the past two days. President Yudhoyono viewed the police performance had been good but hoped for constant alertness.
"What the police have done is good and deserves appreciation. However the process does not stop here. In the future the police must increase their alertness. Particularly the President said the state must not lose or must not be off guard against terrorism actions," Presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha, said.
Lady Gaga Strips back down to Her Underwear
After performing Stand By Me with the rock legend, Gaga stepped out in fishnet stockings, black bondage knickers, an outrageous mask and PVC shoes that were missing their heels.
Luckily she wore a leather jacket to preserve some modesty but there was still little left to the imagination as the half naked singer headed to Mr. Chow’s in New York City for dinner.
Let’s hope the restaurant didn’t have a dress code, because we’re not sure the Paparazzi singer’s attire would be deemed appropriate.
At least now that summer is here, the 24-year-old won’t suffer from the cold weather any more when she dresses in such revealing outfits.
Surprisingly, the eccentric star had left her bondage-inspired outfits at home earlier in the evening when she dressed in a Nanny McPhee type black dress and grey wig as she arrived at Carnegie Hall in New York for the Almay Concert charity benefit.
Later she changed into a delicate white structured body-suit dress to join Sting on stage for the Rainforest Fund’s 21st Birthday Celebration.
The layered creation that wrapped around her petite frame was accompanied by the same black PVC heel-less shoes but actually made her appear fairly normal, compared to her usual standards.
It was one of the first times we’ve actually seen Gaga’s face on stage without being obstructed by some kind of mask.
Other performances during the night came from Elton John covering Madonna’s Like A Virgin and a collaboration between Dame Shirley Bassey, Debbie Harry and Bruce Springsteen for a rendition of Don’t Stop Believin’.
Mary J. Blige also took to the stage to perform a duet with Sting.
Earlier in the week Lady Gaga had been awarded Best International Female Artist, Best Single Of The Year for Poker Face and Best International Newcomer at the ECHO Awards in Berlin.
Indonesia's Support to Myanmar on Reform Agenda
He said Indonesia along with the international community underlined the importance of general elections which are inclusive and open to foreign monitors. The Myanmarese government has committed to hold the general elections at the end of this year as part of efforts to implement the road map towards democracy.
The international community however has been worrying that the first general election in the last 20 years in that country would not run fairly and freely following the issuance of a new law on general elections that bans democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi to participate in the event. The new general elections law regulates registration of political parties and bans convicts to be a member of an official party.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon in March said the new law ran counter with the hope of the international community for a political process that involves all groups. He repeated his appeal for a wide political process that would produce a fair and transparent election, trusted by all Myanmarese people, involving Aung San Suu Kyi.
The National League for Democracy led by Suu Kyi has not announced if it would participate in the election expected to be held in October of November. The 64-year old opposition leader has served 14 out of 20 years under house arrest since the last general elections.
She has been barred from becoming a candidate based upon a new constitution passed in a referendum in 2008 stating that a person who marries a foreigner is not allowed to be chosen. Suu Kyi’s husband, Michael Aris is British who died in 1999. The Nobel laureate was sentenced to three years in jail in August last year after a US citizen visited her. The sentence was reduced to 18 months under house arrest by junta leader Than Shwe.
Indonesian Thomas Cup's Expectation
"At the time we were a little better than China and had many players to choose to play in the single or double events. Right now or since 2004 the single players have always been me, Sony and Simon," he said.
Taufik who is ranked fifth in the world said the situation now was the opposite of that of 2000 because China had a lot of choices. For the final on Sunday Indonesia would likely field the same players it fielded in the semifinal due to a question of Sony’s fitness.
Coach Agus Dwi Santoso however said it was still a day away to monitor the developement of the physical condition of Sony who had been put to rest since the quarterfinals due to injury. If Indonesia finally fielded its semifinal team Simon who lost against Sho Sasaki from Japan would again be played as a second player.
Taufik Hidayat meanwhile is expected to be a point opener for the team. Regarding the role he said "the pressure as a determining player or an opener is the same. If he could play well and make a point it will give a positive effect to the whole team but on the contrary if he plays badly the burden will be heavier considering how the next players would perform."
Taufik however promised he would not consider the pressure as a burden that would affect his performance. As the first single he would likely meet Beijing Olympic champion Lin Dan.
Although he has always lost against him he hoped he could repeat his success in beating the world’s second-ranked player in some big tournaments.
"In several big tournaments I could win. Hopefully I could do it again this time. Or if I have to lose I hope it will not be easy to achieve," he said after training with other team members.
Taufik defeated Lin Dan twice namely in the final of the World Championship in 2005 and the Asian Games in 2006. Lin Dan however had won in five of the last meetings with the recent one in the French Open in 2009.
Regarding the double event coach Sigit Pamungkas said that in the final round the most important thing was not technical and physical capability but mental readiness.
"Although technically and phyisically they are good they would not be able to play well if their mental readiness is not good," he said.
In view of that he would ask the six double players about their readiness. Based on records Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan would likely be fielded as the first double players to meet against Fu Haifeng/Cai Yun.
For the second double players Indonesia has Nova Widianto, Alvent Yulianto and Hendra Aprida Gunawan to choose.
Facebook Teen Killed
Instead the 18-year-old was allegedly lured to her death in south-west Sydney by a man who befriended her on Facebook by claiming to work for the animal welfare group.
As Christopher James Dannevig, 20, faced a murder charge at Parramatta Bail Court yesterday, Nona's loved ones spoke of how her love for animals led to her death. Outside the family's home in Cecil Hills, her brother, Gary, 20, said his younger sister's goal since childhood was to work with animals.
She was doing an animal studies course at TAFE and was delighted when Mr Dannevig, whom she met via Facebook, offered her work experience at WIRES. Mr Dannevig allegedly posed in a fake account as a WIRES boss on the popular social networking website.
''He said he worked there and he could get her a job,'' Mr Belomesoff said. ''She loved animals and saw this as an opportunity to follow her dream.''
Mr Belomesoff said Mr Dannevig told her they would have to join another animal carer on an overnight camping trip to research habitats at Campbelltown. ''She said she was going camping to look for injured animals,'' Mr Belomesoff said.
''Nona said if she didn't go she would lose her job and this job was her dream. So she just went and that was the last time we saw her.''
Police found Nona's body in a creek bed near Waminda Reserve about 9.40pm on Friday. Mr Belomesoff and cousin Elina Fu-Strelnikov warned internet users not to trust anyone online.
Nona had allegedly arranged to meet Mr Dannevig at Leumeah railway station on Wednesday morning. When she hadn't returned as planned on Thursday morning the family contacted police. The family also reportedly called WIRES but the animal welfare group knew nothing of Mr Dannevig and said they didn't hold overnight training camps in the bush.
Detectives charged Mr Dannevig, of Leumeah, with murder yesterday. Homicide Squad team leader Detective Inspector Russell Oxford told a media conference outside Parramatta Court yesterday that Nona and the accused communicated through Facebook over a few weeks to plan the trip.
''She had been talking to somebody on the site and they made promises about getting her involved in the animal protection area,'' he said.
About 20 members of Nona's family were in the public gallery when Mr Dannevig appeared before magistrate George Miller via video link yesterday. An older female relative could not contain her anger, screaming out in rage.
Detective Inspector Oxford said the case had deeply affected police. ''It is heart-wrenching. We have all got kids that age, I have kids that age myself … I have been doing this for a long time, but we're very upset. To go outside in the dark and find a young girl lying in the creek bed …''
On Mr Dannevig's Facebook profile, he lists Nona as a friend.
His profile said he had been employed at the Discovery Channel since 2006 and finished school at ''Ingelburn [sic] High School'' in 2008. On May 5, his status read: ''Meet [sic] someone nice today all was good.'' On May 11, the day before he allegedly met Nona for the planned camping trip, his status was: ''So good to know who your friends r or just sme [sic] person on the net.''
Detective Inspector Oxford said he did not like social networking sites such as Facebook. ''You are dealing with people you don't know,'' he said. Yesterday, there were hundreds of tributes to Nona on Facebook.
On RIP Nona Belomesoff, Jodie Brownless, wrote: ''Wow! Lost for words. Never met you but am hurting for your family and friends.''
Outside the family home, friends Fiona Voon and Julie Kung spoke tearfully. ''She was really funny, she would make everyone in our group laugh,'' Fiona said. ''She was a very gentle person - she loved animals, horses especially.''
Being Bad at Relationships is Good for Survival
Evolution may have shaped us to consist of groups of emotionally secure and insecure individuals, researchers write in the March issue of the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.
When faced with threats to close personal relationships, people react in different ways according to their sense of whether the world is a secure place. The same reaction styles also cause people to be more or less attuned to dangers of all kinds.
Evolution would have favored a mix of these so-called attachment styles if mixed groups were more likely to survive than groups of only secure or only insecure individuals.
"Secure people have disadvantages," experimental psychologist Tsachi Ein-Dor of the New School of Psychology in Herzliya, Israel, told LiveScience. "They react slowly and then act slowly because they need to first get organized."
This notion would explain why almost half of all people in the world have insecure attachment styles, he said, despite the fact that people prefer secure types as romantic partners.
How we view the world
People who do well in relationships have what's called a secure attachment style. They tend to view the world as a safe place, and their optimism allows them to focus on tasks without being bogged down with negative thoughts. They seek out groups and work well in them.
In contrast are those who exhibit insecure attachment styles. Some people are anxious types, always clinging to their significant other, and others are aloof, or avoidant, preferring to deal with problems on their own instead of relying on their partners.
Attachment behavior is a survival adaptation, said Ein-Dor. Because infants can't survive on their own, they have to attach themselves to their parents. If an infant cries and is soothed by its parent, it learns that it can trust other people for love and support.
Those whose parents don't have time or energy to respond may learn they have to fend for themselves.
Such traits can take on different meanings in a group setting. When in immediate danger, people shouldn't necessarily take comfort in the sense of peace and safety a group can provide.
Benefits of being insecure
To test their idea that mixed groups would benefit survival, Ein-Dor and his colleagues put students in groups of threes alone in a room with a concealed smoke machine, which was switched on to simulate a fire. Groups were quicker to notice the smoke and to react to it if they contained individuals who scored high for insecure attachment.
Groups that had a member who rated high for the anxious attachment style tended to notice the smoke faster than other groups, and those that had a member rating high on attachment avoidance tended to react first, such as by leaving the room.
"This is the first [paper] I've read that has started to sway me toward the idea that insecure attachment styles are adaptations," said Paul Eastwick, a psychologist at Texas A&M University, who was not involved in the current study. "I have always favored more of a 'side effect' explanation."
Army Snipers are 'Shooting to Kill' in Bangkok
As troops attempted to quell the trouble, they fired live rounds at hundreds of protesters who are seeking to topple the government. Demonstrators fought back by hurling petrol bombs, rocks and crude homemade rockets. Around a third of the city is now under emergency rule.
A volunteer medical rescue worker was shot and feared dead yesterday and at least four protesters were also shot and badly wounded.
In a televised address Mr Vejjajiva said: ‘The government has to go forward. We cannot retreat. What we are doing is for the benefit of the country. We cannot leave the country in the hands of armed groups.’
Witnesses described the fighting as one-sided, as troops armed with automatic rifles
easily dodged projectiles and opened fire. Soldiers can shoot if protesters – known as Red Shirts – come within 120ft of the army lines.
Anti-government protesters are backed by ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the billionaire former owner of Manchester City. They want Mr Vejjajiva to dissolve parliament and call fresh elections.
As they fought the army on the streets, one motorcyclist was hit by a stray bullet. In another incident a journalist from the Bangkok Nation newspaper was shot. And a rescue worker was shot in the head as he tried to get a casualty into an ambulance.
Despite claims by the Thai government that the situation is under control and that its soldiers have only fired in self-defence, army snipers have been accused of targeting protesters. Footage from Bangkok yesterday showed the Red Shirts dragging gunshot victims to safety.
At the Din Daeng intersection, north of the main protest site, three bodies were taken away on stretchers, witnesses said, indicating that the death toll could rise further. Two had suffered head wounds.
The incidents yesterday followed a night of grenade explosions and sporadic gunfire as
the army battled to set up a perimeter around the protesters’ barricaded encampment where thousands refuse to leave, including women and children.
Hardcore protesters set fire to vehicles, including an army truck, and hurled rocks at troops as they tried to set up razor-wire at checkpoints.
An army sign at one intersection warned residents not to enter a ‘live bullet area’. Another at a separate site warned of a ‘rubber bullet area’. Both were later taken down.
The violence has been escalating since Thursday after a renegade general who supports the Red Shirts’ protest was shot in the head by an unknown gunman. General Khattiya Sawasdipol, better known as Seh Daeng (Commander Red), is in a critical condition and unlikely to survive.
The British Embassy in Bangkok has been temporarily closed. Thai army spokesman Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd said the security steps – including the ‘live fire zone’ – had halved the number of protesters in the camp to 5,000.
Inside the camp, Red Shirt leader Kwanchai Praipana said stocks were running low because of the blockade but added that they would last ‘for days’.
He said: ‘We’ll keep on fighting until the government takes responsibility.’
Tori Anderson, who lives close to the camp, said: ‘The atmosphere is tense because there is such a build-up of soldiers.’
In a message from New York, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appealed to both sides to 'do all within their power to avoid further violence and loss of life'.
But, with negotiations terminated, the situation appeared headed toward a final showdown on the streets.
Jatuporn Prompan, a protest leader, said today: 'The situation right now is getting closer to civil war every minute. We have to fight on. The leaders shouldn't even think about retreat when our brothers are ready to fight on.'
The Red Shirt protesters began their latest campaign to oust the government in March, saying it came to power illegitimately and is indifferent to the poor. In several rounds of violence since then, a total 43 people have been killed and at least 1,620 wounded, according to a government toll that includes the most recent clashes.
Protesters have urged 82-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej to end his long silence and intervene, but there was no word from the widely revered ailing monarch.
Tyrell Haberkorn, a political scientist with The Australian National University, said: 'I am gravely concerned that a bloody suppression will only further entrench the culture of violence in Thailand.'
She said the protests stemmed from the outrage that the marginalized majority felt at the lack of say they had in governance, which was largely in the hands of the elites.
She added:'If one listens to the protesters... people are willing to risk their lives because they believe that they are making a more just Thai society for themselves, their children and their grandchildren.'
The latest violence erupted after the Red Shirts' military strategist - a former Thai general - was shot and seriously injured, apparently by a sharpshooter, as he spoke to foreign journalists on Thursday.
Witnesses saw several groups of a dozen or more people detained at the scene of several clashes.
No figures were released on how many were detained.
As night fell yesterday, defiant Red Shirt leaders led followers in Buddhist prayers and called on volunteers to bring more tires for their barricades.
Another protest leader, Weng Tojirakarn, demanded today that the government declare a cease-fire and pull back its troops because 'we don't want to see a civil war. If it does happen, I don't know how many years it will take to end'.
The Red Shirts, mostly rural poor, began camping in the capital March 12 to try to force out the prime minister.They claim his coalition government came to power through manipulation of the courts and the backing of the powerful military.
The military had forced Thaksin Shinawatra, the populist premier favored by the Red Shirts, from office in a 2006 coup. Two subsequent pro-Thaksin governments were disbanded by court rulings before Mr Abhisit became prime minister.
About 10,000 Red Shirts have barricaded themselves in a protest zone in Rajprasong, Bangkok's premier shopping and diplomatic enclave. They have set up a perimeter of tires and bamboo stakes, refusing to leave until Mr Abhisit dissolves parliament and calls new elections.
The occupation has forced luxury hotels and high-end shops to close for weeks. Major roads around the protest site were blocked to traffic today, and the city's subway and elevated train shut down. The embassies of the United States, Britain and other countries were also closed.
The political uncertainty has spooked foreign investors and damaged the vital tourism industry, which accounts for six per cent of the economy.
The crisis had appeared to be reaching a resolution last week when Mr Abhisit offered to hold elections in November, a year early. But the hopes were dashed after Red Shirt leaders made more demands.
Trik meningkatkan trafik ke blog secara otomatis
Mohon baca baik-baik lalu terapkan dengan benar….
Sebuah filosofi mengatakan “Honesty is The Best Policy (Kejujuran adalah politik/strategi terbaik)” , inilah yang akan kita buktikan….apakah konsep kejujuran bisa kita olah menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang lebih hebat dari konsep rumit para expert webmaster atau pakar SEO..?…
Saya yakin bisa asal konsep ini di jalankan dengan benar…,bila ini di terapkan pada web anda sesuai ketentuan maka:
-Web anda akan kebanjiran traffic pengunjung secara luar biasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot memikirkan SEO atau capek-capek promosi keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
-Web anda akan kebanjiran backlink secara luarbiasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot berburu link keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
Jika Albert Einstein memakai persamaan e=mc2 untuk menggabungkan potensi masa dan kecepatan cahaya untuk menghasilkan energi nuklir yang luar biasa itu ,maka kita akan memakai persamaan t=v1+v2 untuk mnggabungkan potensi web saya dan web anda untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang luar biasa pula.
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Yang perlu anda lakukan adalah ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :
1.Buat posting artikel seperti posting saya ini, atau copy-paste posting ini dan juga diberi berjudul : t=v1+v2 ,Cara meningkatkan traffic dan popularity dengan cepat dan alami
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Berikut tulisan “KALIMAT SAKTI” yang perlu anda pasang di bagian web anda (setelah di ganti link url-nya sesuai ketentuan di atas)
“Ingin meningkatkan traffic pengunjung dan popularity web anda secara cepat dan tak terbatas…?…
Serahkan pada saya…, Saya akan melakukannya untuk anda GRATIS…!..Klik disini-1 dan disini-2“
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5-Selesai, siapkan counter tracker dan pengecek link misalnya sitemeter dan technorati untuk melihat hasil banjir traffic dan linkback web anda.
Apa itu t=v1+t2…?
t : Jumlah traffic yang akan di peroleh web anda dalam suatu hari
v1 : Jumlah pengunjung web anda dalam suatu hari
v2: Jumlah pengunjung yang dimiliki v1 (pengunjung dari pengunjung web anda) dalam suatu hari.
Misalnya, web saya ini atau web anda dalam sehari memiliki rata-rata pengunjung 50 orang.., dan semuanya menerapkan konsep kita ini (KALIMAT SAKTI) dengan benar, dan dari 50 orang itu masing-masing memiliki 50 orang pula pengunjung dari blog-nya , maka web kita akan berpeluang di kunjungi 50 ditambah 50 x 50 orang pada hari itu = 2550 orang , dan akan berpeluang terus meningkat pula hari demi hari ,karena setiap hari selalu ada pengunjung baru di dunia internet, setiap hari juga ada blogger atau web baru di dunia internet…BUKTIKAN
Misalnya, web kita memiliki pengunjung 50 orang dalam suatu hari, dan semuannya menerapkan konsep ini , maka dalam hari itu web anda akan mendapatkan 100 linkback ke web anda, yaitu sebuah link pada KALIMAT SAKTI dan sebuah link pada link saya di kalikan 50. dan akan berpeluang meningkat terus hari demi hari….
Kenapa perlu di buat link link anda dan link saya pada posting…?
…hal ini untuk menjaga keabadian link kita, karena seperti kita tau link pada posting lebih kecil kemungkinannya terhapus….
Bisakah kita berbuat tidak fair atau tidak jujur menyabotase konsep ini, misalnya “menghilangkan semua link asal” lalu di isi dengan web/blog kita sendiri…? ….Bisa, dan konsep ini tidak akan menjadi maksimal untuk membuktikan Kejujuran adalah strategi/politik terbaik…..Tapi saya yakin bahwa kita semua tak ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas diri sendiri dengan melakukan tindakan murahan seperti itu…
Jumat, 14 Mei 2010
Wow, Ilmuwan Temukan Arus 40 Kali Amazon
Satu tim ilmuwan Australia dan Jepang, dalam satu studi yang disiarkan di dalam jurnal Nature Geoscience, Minggu (25/4/2010), mendapati, arus tersebut bagian penting pola sirkulasi samudra global yang membantu memantau iklim planet.
Para ilmuwan sebelumnya telah mendeteksi bukti mengenai arus tersebut tapi tak memiliki data mengenai itu.
"Kami tidak mengetahui apakah itu adalah bagian sirkulasi penting atau tidak dan ini memperlihatkan secara jelas bahwa itu adalah bagian sirkulasi," kata seorang penulis studi tersebut, Steve Rintoul, kepada koresponden Reuters mengenai perubahan iklim David Fogarty.
Rintoul, dari Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Center di Hobart, mengatakan, itu terbukti merupakan arus samudra dalam yang paling cepat yang pernah ditemukan, dengan kecepatan rata-rata 20 sentimeter. Arus tersebut juga ditemukan membawa lebih dari 12 juta meter kubik air garam yang sangat dingin per detik dari Antartika.
"Pada kedalaman tiga kilometer di bawah permukaan air ini, ini adalah kecepatan paling kuat yang pernah dicatat dan kami saksikan sejauh ini. Ini benar-benar mengejutkan kami," katanya.
Dia mengatakan, arus itu membawa air yang kaya akan oksigen yang tenggelam jauh di Kutub Selatan ke lembah sungai samudra dalam lebih ke utara di sekitar Dataran Tinggi Kerguelen di bagian selatan Samudra Hindia lalu bercabang ke luar.
Sabuk pengantar global
Arus itu membentuk bagian dari jaringan kerja yang jauh lebih besar yang merentang semua samudra di dunia, dan bertindak seperti sabuk pengantar raksasa untuk membagikan panas ke seluruh dunia.
Samudra juga adalah tempat penyimpanan utama karbon dioksida, gas rumah kaca utama yang tersiar secara alamiah dan oleh ulah manusia, terutama dari pembakaran bahan bakar fosil.
Contohnya, Arus Teluk membawa air hangat ke Atlantik Utara, dan memberi Eropa utara iklim yang relatif sedang. Kegagalan arus tersebut, yang telah terjadi pada waktu lalu, akan menceburkan banyak bagian Eropa ke dalam kebekuan parah, kata para ilmuwan.
"Arus dalam itu bersama dengan Dataran Tinggi Kerguelen adalah bagian dari sistem arus samudra global yang disebut sirkulasi berbalik, yang menentukan seberapa banyak panas dan karbon yang dapat diisap oleh samudra," kata Rintoul.
Satu bagian penting sirkulasi itu adalah pembentukan sangat banyak volume air garam yang sangat dingin di beberapa daerah di sepanjang pantai Antartika yang kemudian tenggelam ke dasar dan mengalir ke lembah lain samudra.
Tim tersebut menggelar peralatan pengukur yang dilabuhkan ke dasar laut pada kedalaman sampai 4,5 kilometer dan mencatat kandungan garam, temperatur dan kecepataan arus selama dua tahun.
"Pengukuran terus-menerus yang diberikan oleh penambatan itu memungkinkan kami, untuk pertama kali, menentukan seberapa banyak air yang dibawa oleh arus dalam tersebut ke utara," kata Rintoul.
Dia mengatakan, masalah penting untuk meramalkan iklim ialah apakah sirkulasi berbalik akan terus bertahan pada kekuatannya saat ini atau apakah arus itu peka terhadap perubahan seperti perubahan iklim.
Itu berarti pengukuran peningkatan lebih lanjut mengenai kecepatan dan volume air garam yang dingin yang tercipta di sekitar Antartika.
Robot Antariksa X-37B Segera Diluncurkan
Rencana pembuatan X-37B sudah ada sejak 1990 yang bermula di Badan Penerbangan dan Antariksa Amerika Serikat (NASA). Akhirnya, program itu diambil Badan Proyek Riset Unggulan Bidang Pertahanan (DARPA) di dalam tubuh Angkatan Udara.
"Setelah ada kendala, sponsor amat senang menyaksikan X-37 akhirnya meluncur ke angkasa luar," ujar Gary Payton, US Air Force Deputy Under Secretary untuk Program Angkasa Luar.
Pilot otomatis
Kapal X-37B merupakan miniatur pesawat ulang alik. Beratnya sekitar 5,5 ton, panjang sekitar 9 meter, dan tinggi sekitar 3 meter dengan bentangan sayap lebih dari 5 meter.
Robot ini dirancang untuk tinggal selama 270 hari di ruang angkasa dengan pilot otomatis. Payton menyatakan, jika terjadi malafungsi, ada mekanisme penghancuran diri.
”Kami akan melacaknya di Pasifik,” ujarnya tentang mekanisme perusakan diri tersebut. Selanjutnya, pesawat itu pun dirancang mendarat otomatis di Vandenberg Air Force Base di California atau di Edwards Air Force Base.
”Seperti pesawat ulang alik, robot ini akan mengambil gambar separuh Bumi dan dibawa kembali,” ujar Payton. Dia menambahkan, robot X-37B memiliki teknologi baru untuk melakukan penelitian di atas orbit.
”Saya ingin segera menyaksikan X-37 menangani banyak hal seperti pesawat udara,” tambah Payton. Robot itu mampu terbang untuk jarak amat panjang, dengan kecepatan 3 kali kecepatan suara (Mach 3), dan memiliki kemampuan mengenali pesawat lain untuk menyusun strategi.
Pesawat mini kedua sudah dipesan dan akan diluncurkan tahun depan. ”Kami berharap tahun 2011 akan diluncurkan pesawat kedua dengan asumsi semua berjalan baik pada pesawat pertama ini,” ujar Payton.
”X-37B adalah satu-satunya upaya yang lengkap untuk melakukan penelitian yang secara ekonomi bisa dipertanggungjawabkan di atas orbit sana, yang bisa berlangsung bulanan dan lalu kembali,” ujar Direktur dari Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office.
Atlantis Menanti Peluncuran Terakhir
Atlantis diluncurkan pertama kali tahun 1985. Atlantis yang berawakkan 6 orang, yaitu Michael Good, Garret Reisma, Tony Antonelli, komandan Ken Ham, Steve Bowen, dan Piers Sellers ini, akan membawa unit terbesar modul riset Rassver atau MRM-1 sebagai tambahan gudang di ruang angkasa, serta tempat pendaratan untuk Soyuz (Rusia) dan pesawat Progress.
Peluncuran direncanakan pukul 18.20 waktu Greenwich (GMT) atau sekitar 01.20 hari Sabtu besok. Namun, kini muncul kabar bahwa pesawat itu tak akan dibongkar dan disimpan di museum, tetapi akan dimodifikasi untuk rencana peluncuran berikutnya. (AFP/ISW)
Indonesia-Jepang Upayakan Reduksi Bahaya Gempa
Program Multi-Disiplin dalam Pengurangan Bahaya Gempa Bumi dan Gunung Api di Indonesia ini merupakan sebuah upaya mereduksi bahaya akibat gempa bumi maupun vulkanologi. Kerjasama riset antara Jepang dan Indonesia ini direncanakan berjalan selama 3 tahun dari tahun 2009 hingga 2012, meliputi enam bidang disiplin ilmu, yakni gempa bumi, gunung api, teknik geologi, sosial, pendidikan serta kebijakan pemerintah.
Menurut Deputi Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Kebumian, Hery Harjono di Kantor LIPI, Jl. Raden Saleh 43, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (22/3/2010), fokus utama riset ini adalah mencari solusi masalah penanggulangan bencana khususnya gempa tektonik, vulkanologi dan tsunami. Nantinya, pemecahan persoalan berasal dari evaluasi riset yang telah dijalankan.
"Hasil riset dari setiap bidang ilmu yang telah disebutkan tadi akan bermuara pada satu hal, yakni kebijakan pemerintah agar masyarakat sadar bahwa bencana merupakan bagian kehidupan," tegas Hery.
Hasil riset ini akan digunakan juga untuk meningkatkan kapasitas penelitian gempa, tsunami dan gunung api sehingga upaya penanggulangan bencana terus bersinergi dengan bidang ilmu lainnya untuk mengurangi resiko bencana itu sendiri.
Program riset sendiri terbagi dalam enam kelompok berdasarkan disiplin ilmu masing-masing, yaitu prakiraan gempa dan tsunami, prakiraan letusan gunung berapi, pengembangan rekayasa prasarana berdasarkan informasi kebencanaan, peningkatan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam rangka mitigasi kerentanan sosial, pendidikan dan penyuluhan serta koordinasi dengan pemerintah.
Ilmuwan Remaja Bertemu Peraih Nobel
Pesan-pesan tersebut disampaikan empat peraih Hadiah Nobel, Selasa (11/5/2010) sore, ketika bertemu dengan 1.600 finalis Intel ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) yang berlangsung di San Jose, California, AS, 9-14 Mei 2010. Keempat peraih Hadiah Nobel tersebut adalah Dudley R Herschbach (Kimia, 1986), Douglas D Osheroff (Fisika, 1996), Sir Richard J Robert (Kedokteran, 1993), dan Kurt Wuthrich (Kimia, 2002).
Para peneliti remaja dari 59 negara, yang memenuhi Auditorium Center for Performing Art San Jose ini, dengan penuh antusias menanyakan berbagai hal sekitar pengalaman ilmiah para peraih Hadiah Nobel, termasuk kapan mereka mendapatkan ide-ide terbaik dan bagaimana sikap mereka tatkala menghadapi kesulitan riset.
Sebagaimana disampaikan oleh Osheroff, peneliti sekarang ini memiliki kelebihan—khususnya dalam hal akses sumber daya (internet, misalnya)—yang tidak dipunyai oleh generasinya. Namun, hal yang memberikan peluang lebar tersebut juga memberikan tantangan tersendiri, yaitu bahwa peneliti sekarang harus belajar dengan sangat cepat. Di sinilah, menurut Wuthrich, adanya rasa ingin tahu yang kuat dan berkelanjutan amat penting.
Dalam ungkapan lain, seperti dikatakan Sir Richard, semangat atau antusiasme terus dikembangkan, apa pun itu. Itulah yang akan membawa peneliti semakin dekat dengan penemuan.
Kesuksesan dalam penelitian umumnya melalui jalan yang panjang dan disertai kerja keras, tidak jarang juga diwarnai dengan temuan-temuan tak terduga (serendipity). Osheroff, misalnya, menceritakan, ia sering bekerja di laboratorium dalam penelitian superkonduktivitas—yang mengantarkannya meraih Hadiah Nobel—hingga pukul 3 atau 4 dini hari. Tidak jarang, saat orang merayakan hari libur, ia tidak bisa meninggalkan eksperimennya.
Sementara itu, di Ruang Gelar Penelitian di Convention Center, sepanjang Rabu (12/5/2010), berlangsung penilaian oleh dewan juri. Para finalis, termasuk lima dari Indonesia, siaga di stan masing-masing untuk didatangi dan diwawancarai oleh juri, yang sebagian adalah peraih Nobel.
Didampingi hanya oleh seorang penerjemah, para siswa SMA dari luar kota Jakarta ini, yang terbagi dalam tiga stan, harus menjelaskan penelitian mereka. Hasil penjurian akan diumumkan Jumat (15/5/2010) ini.
Intel, sebagai sponsor utama ISEF, akan membagikan hadiah dan penghargaan senilai 4 juta dollar AS (sekitar Rp 36 miliar). Selain Intel, raksasa mesin pencari internet Google juga memberikan hadiah. Mereka mengincar bakat-bakat besar yang mungkin muncul sebagai pemenang ISEF 2010.
Dalam kaitan ini pula Direktur Corporate Affairs Intel Indonesia Imelda Adhisaputra, Selasa di AS, menyatakan harapannya agar melalui ajang internasional, seperti ISEF, terbangun generasi abad ke-21 Indonesia yang berkualitas.