Jumat, 23 Juli 2010
Krisdayanti & Raul Ciuman Karena Emosi Sesaat
Hal itu diungkapkan oleh psikolog Rose Mini A Prianto saat bincang-bincang dengan detikhot lewat telepon, Jumat (23/7/2010). Psikolog yang akrab disapa Bunda Romi itu menganggap kemesraan KD dan Raul hanya bersifat sementara.
"Menurut saya tindakan mereka itu melakukannya di depan publik hanya euphoria saja. Jadi belum tentu ke depannya akan begitu terus. Mereka hanya emosi sesaat," jelasnya.
Romi mengatakan aksi ciuman KD dengan kekasihnya itu bukan suatu yang bisa dibenarkan, apa pun alasannya. Hal itu pun bisa berdampak negatif pada imejnya sendiri.
"Orang akan banyak yang menghujatnya, dan kalau seperti ini orang akan menganggap artis itu negatif," ujarnya.
Hadir di IIMS, Darmin Dipuji Boediono
"Hari ini bapak pejabat Gubernur BI hadir, ini pertanda nampaknya otoritas moneter langsung masuk ke sektor riil," ucap Boediono sambil tersenyum saat sambutannya di acara pembukaan IIMS 2010, di JIEXPO, Kemayoran, Jumat (23/7/2010).
Boediono juga berseloroh, setidaknya kedatangan Darmin ke acara pembukaan IIMS bisa menjadi ajang relaksasi bagi Darmin setelah mengikuti ujian pemilihan gubernur BI di DPR.
"Sambil santai setelah dua hari beliau (Darmin) bekerja keras," kata mantan Gubernur BI ini.
Sebelumnya Darmin Nasution merasa tak istimewa soal dirinya yang terpilih secara aklamasi oleh DPR. Ia pun mengelak saat dinobatkan sebagai Gubernur BI pertama yang terpilih secara aklamasi.
"Ah..yang bener? Pak Boediono kan...," kilah Darmin ditempat yang sama.
Bahkan Darmin juga beranggapan masalah terpilih aklamasi bukan hal yang baru dalam hal pemilihan gubernur BI bahkan deputi gubernur senior (DGS) BI.
"Saat DGS, jangan kau kira ini hal baru," katanya.
Ia juga merasa sedikit terusik pasca terpilih dirinya menjadi Gubernur BI. Maklum saja wartawan langsung memburu dirinya di arena IIMS Kemayoran.
"Orang lagi rileks-rileks, awalnya tenang-tenang.....saya nggak akan lari kok," katanya tertawa.
Senin, 19 Juli 2010
Meningkatkan Rank Alexa & Terindex google
saya mungkin sedikit berbagi untuk meningkatkan traffic di alexa dan terindex google
1. Pertama install alexa toolbar, bisa didonlod di situs resmi alexa..
2. Membuat Backlink sebanyak mungkin agar cepat terindex oleh google...
Mungkin ini saja yang bisa saya sharing.....
hanya sedikit ilmu dari saya mudah-mudahan bermanfaat
'Capello Bakal Tendang Terry'
Penilaian ini dilontarkan oleh Fabio Cannavaro yang pernah jadi anak asuh Capello semasa di Juventus dan Real Madrid. Menurutnya Terry sudah diluar batas mencampuri kewenangan Capello sebagai pelatih kepala.
Seperti diketahui Terry adalah pemain yang disebut-sebut provokator saat beberapa pemain memprotes taktik Capello di Piala Dunia lalu. Saat itu Inggris sempat diguncang isu perpecahan meski akhirnya Terry meminta maaf.
Namun untuk ke depannya terutama Piala Eropa 2012 di mana itu turnamen yang wajib dimenangi oleh Capello. Maka pemain bengal macam Terry dan kompatriot lainnya diprediksi tak akan dipanggil lagi.
"Perkiraanku sepertinya John Terry tak akan dimasukkan lagi dalam daftar tim," ungkap Cannavaro di Daily Star.
"Anda tidak dapat mengganggu Fabio dan dia tidak ingin ada satu orang pun yang mengacaukan turnamennya lagi," sambungnya.
"Keputusan yang sangat tepat jelas jika FA tetap mempertahankan Fabio. Dia kini bisa membentuk timnya sendiri dan aku akan memfavoritkan mereka di Piala Eropa 2012," tukasnya.
Dilanjutkan mantan pemain timnas Italia itu menurutnya hanya ada dua pemain yang bisa dipastikan mengisi tempat di skuad The Three Lions di Polandia-Ukraina dua tahun lagi.
Namun yang terpenting adalah Capello harus bisa mengatasi ego para pemainnya sehingga tercipta keharmonisan tim seperti yang pernah ia lakukan di klub-klub besar yang ditanganinya.
"Aku tidak ingin berbicara lagi soal Fabio namun aku akan terkejut jika ada lebih dari lima pemain yang jadi starter saat melawan Jerman, bermain di laga pembuka Piala Eropa 2012," tandasnnya.
"Bagiku hanya dua pemain yang bisa dipastikan menjadi starter di 2012 yaitu Ashley Cole dan Wayne Rooney. Setelahnya Fabio akan punya waktu banyak membangun timnya sendiri dan aku pikir tidak sepantasnya dibandingkan dengan apa yang terjadi di Piala Dunia."
"Spanyol akan hadir di sana namun jika Fabio bisa mengatasi ego para pemain, aku pikir Inggris akan membuktikan keputusannya mempertahankan Capello adalah benar," pungkas pria berusia 37 tahun itu.
Seperti Kasus Bibit-Chandra, Kasus Rekening Harus Ada Tim Independen
"Harus ada tim independen, seperti halnya tim 8 dahulu saat kasus Bibit-Chandra," kata Wakil Koordinator ICW, Emerson Yuntho di Jakarta, Senin (19/7/2010).
Emerson menilai, proses pemeriksaan yang dilakukan tidak wajar, sehingga hasilnya pun sudah bisa ditebak. Jauh dari harapan masyarakat mengenai keterbukaan.
"Kita lihat saja, apakah sesuai dengan dan laporan kekayaan. Proses pemeriksaan pun aneh, kenapa hanya klarifikasi," imbuhnya.
ICW berencana akan mendatangi DPR untuk mendesak membentuk tim independen, serta penguatan PPATK terkait perannya dalam kasus rekening.
"Pemeriksaan klarifikasi itu bukan pro justisia, jadi mesti ada upaya hukum. KPK bisa menanganinya," tutupnya.
Jumat, 16 Juli 2010
MU Tanpa Bintang di Community Shield
Hal ini dipastikan sendiri oleh Fergie yang lebih mementingkan kepulihan total para pemain seperti Patrice Evra, Nemanja Vidic, Wayne Rooney, Michael Carrick dan Park Ji-Sung pasca bertarung di Piala Dunia. Lagipula, bagi Fergie, laga Community Shield bukanlah sebuah agenda penting untuk meraih kemenangan walaupun akan menghadapi rivalnya, sang juara liga Chelsea.
"Bahkan Community Shield bukan agenda penting untuk menang, itu digunakan untuk persiapan akhir menjelang kompetisi (Premiere League)," ujar arsitek MU tersebut dilansir oleh AFP.
"Laga itu digelar pada 8 Agustus, kemudian ada laga internasional di minggu yang sama, lalu pertandingan perdana kami melawan Newcastle di Liga."
Fergie juga menyatakan, pemain yang bermain di Piala Dunia mengalami kelelahan dan belum kembali ke performa semula sepenuhnya. Apalagi, kebanyakan pemain baru kembali berkumpul ke tanah Inggris pada 28 Juli mendatang dan Fergie baru bisa melihat kondisi fisik para pemainnya setelah semuanya kembali ke Old Trafford.
"Nantinya sesudah mereka datang, baru kita bisa melihat siapa pemain yang berlaga di Piala Dunia mengalami kelelahan. Yang jelas mereka penting bermain di pertandingan pertama kami di liga. Saya rasa mereka tidak akan diturunkan sepenuhnya, mungkin hanya satu atau dua orang saja yang main di Community Shield," imbuhnya.
'Setan Merah' akan menjalani tur awal musim ke benua Amerika tanpa memboyong para pemain bintangnya. Setelah kamp latihan di Chicago, United memiliki agenda dengan beberapa klub sepakbola di Amerika Serikat seperti Philadelphia Union, Kansas City Wizards dan MLS All Stars.
Polri Harus Umumkan Siapa Saja Jenderal Pemilik Rekening Gendut
"Langkah terbaik bagi Kapolri adalah umumkan di depan publik dan jelaskan duduk perkara sebenarnya siapa saja pemilik rekening gendut tersebut," ujar Wakil Ketua DPR Priyo Budi Santoso kepada detikcom, Jumat (16/7/2010).
Menurut Priyo, keterbukaan Polri mengungkap rekening Jenderal Polri terutama yang cukup fantastis akan menjadi tolak ukur reformasi Polri. Masyarakat saat ini menunggu janji reformasi total Polri.
"Perlu ada langkah berani untuk evaluasi diri. Buktikan reformasi karena selama ini kita beri apresiasi tinggi atas prestasi polri dalam menumpas judi, terorisme dan narkoba," tegas Priyo.
Kalau Polri kemudian menutup isu rekening Jenderal. Polri malah terlihat aneh di mata masyarakat.
"Jangan karena isu ini akhirnya semua runtuh," tutupnya.
Kamis, 15 Juli 2010
Sammy Divonis 1 Tahun Penjara
"Dengan ini hakim menjatuhkan pidana 1 tahun karena terbukti bersalah mengkonsumsi narkoba golongan 1," kata ketua majelis hakim, Syarifudin di sidang vonis Sammy.
Selain itu Sammy juga harus menjalani rehabilitasi narkoba. Rehabilitasi tersebut Sammy jalani di Panti Rehabilitasi Narkoba di Lido, Bogor, Jawa Barat.
"Lalu terdakwa juga harus menjalankan rehabilitasi di daerah Lido, Bogor, Jawa Barat," kata Hakim.
Layanan Yahoo Messenger 3 untuk Bapak Rusty Rangga Kembali Normal
Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang dialami oleh Bapak Rusty dan mengucapkan terima kasih atas masukan yang telah disampaikan.
Apabila Bapak Rusty memiliki pertanyaan ataupun saran mengenai layanan kartu 3, silakan menghubungi kami ke 100 dari Kartu Pascabayar 3, ke nomor 200 dari Kartu Prabayar 3, atau ke nomor 089644000100 dari PSTN dan operator lain, serta melalui email ke 3Care@three.co.id.
SBY: Hypermarket Jangan Matikan Pasar Tradisional
Demikian kata Presiden SBY dalam sambutan puncak peringatan Hari Koperasi, pagi Kamis (15/7/2010). Acara berlangsung di lapangan Makodam V Brawijaya, Surabaya.
"Pak Bupati dan Walikota tolong diatur, boleh ada hypermarket tapi ya jangan mematikan pasar tradisional," kata SBY.
Presiden yakin pasar tradisional sebenarnya tidak bisa begitu saja tergusur oleh jaringan pasar moderen. Sepanjang pengelola dan pedagang pasar tradisional bersama-sama menjaga kebersihan, ketertiban juga kualitas barang yang dijual.
"Saya banyak meresmikan pasar tradisional. Ternyata pasar tradisional bisa hidup asalkan dijaga kebersihan dan kualitasnya," kata SBY.
Lebih lanjut presiden mendorong kerja sama koperasi dengan jaringan pasar moderen. Itu adalah salah satu langkah untuk memperluas pemasaran produk koperasi yang muaranya adalah peningkatan kesejahteraan anggota koperasi bersangkutan.
"Mulai dari saya, Kemenkop UKM, para kepala daerah, swasta, BUMN/BUMD dan semua saja mitra kerja koperasi harus bersama-sama membantu koperasi," sambung SBY.
RCTI Siap Patuhi Aturan Soal Infotainment
"Prinsipnya stasiun televisi bekerja berdasarkan rule, aturan yang dijalankan," kata Corporate Secretary RCTI, Gilang Iskandar saat dihubungi detikcom, Kamis (15/7/2010).
Namun untuk saat ini, Gilang mengaku pihaknya hanya bersikap pasif alias menunggu saja terkait rencana penetapan aturan pada infotainment.
"Itu belum menjadi kesepakatan antara KPI dan Komisi I. Jadi kita bersikap menunggu ending-nya saja," tambahnya.
Gilang menjelaskan, tayangan infotainment di RCTI saat ini, ada yang bikin sendiri dan ada juga yang disuplai dari production house. Apakah pernah ada selama teguran selama tayang?
"Yang tayangan Luna Maya dan Ariel, karena dimunculkan gambar, jadi KPI beranggapan itu eksploitasi pornografi. Itu masih kontroversial, tapi kita sudah menyelesaikannya," tutupnya.
Cara Meningkatkan Pagerank Alexa
saya mendapat artikel ini dari blog seorang teman yang bisa dikunjungi disini dan dari blog ini saya tertarik untuk mencoba mengangkatnya diblog saya.
Cara Meningkatkan Pagerank Alexa disini ada 5 langkah, yaitu :
1. Install Alexa Toolbars di web browser anda. Anda bisa mendapatkannya disini.
2. Tempatkan Alexa Rank Widget di halaman blog atau situs anda untuk membuat Alexa lebih akurat dalam mengumpulkan data traffic pengunjung baik yang memasang Alexa Toolbar di web browsernya, maupun yang tidak memasangnya.
3. Ajak teman-teman anda untuk memasang Alexa Toolbar di web browser mereka. Semakin banyak pengunjung tetap ke blog atau situs anda yang menginstalasi Alexa Toolbar ke web browser-nya, akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kenaikan Alexa Rank anda.
4. Bikin artikel di blog anda tentang Alexa Rank. Nampaknya memang lucu dan tidak relevan. Tapi agaknya di dunia blogosphere berlaku prinsip BAS -bukan ABS- ‘Bikin Alexa Senang’.
5. Upayakan untuk mengundang para Web Master untuk berkunjung ke blog anda, caranya dengan bergabung di fotum-forum webmaster yang banyak membahas soal Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ataupun Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs)
Nah, itu adalah beberapa cara yang mungkin bisa anda coba karena saya sendiri sudah mencoba dan pagerank Alexa saya meningkat drastis meski tidak langsung tapi bertahap. Silahkan dicoba ^_^
komentarnya jangan lupa ya ^_^
Meningkatkan Page Rank Alexa
Keppres Terbit, Andi Nurpati Resmi Diberhentikan dari KPU
"Jadi memang sudah dikirim kemarin sore surat Keppresnya, tertanggal 9 Juli 2010. Tapi surat pengantar dari Setnegnya 14 Juli," kata anggota KPU Endang Sulastri di kantor KPU, Jl Imam Bonjol, Jakarta, Kamis (15/7/2010).
Keppres yang baru keluar kemarin tersebut telah ditindaklanjuti dengan memberitahukan kepada yang bersangkutan serta tembusan untuk Komisi II DPR. "Artinya sudah resmi. Mungkin besok kita berikan kesempatan Ibu Andi untuk berpamitan," ujarnya.
Pada Selasa pekan depan Andi akan dipanggil oleh Komisi II DPR untuk membahas masalah penggantinya sebagai anggota KPU. Terhadap hal ini, Endang mengatakan, KPU sudah tidak cawe-cawe lagi mengurus Andi Nurpati.
"Itu kewenangannya Komisi II untuk meminta atau mengundang Ibu Andi datang ke sana, karena kalau dari kita sudah tidak ada kewenangan apa-apa," imbuh Endang.
Uji Coba LTE Pertama di Indonesia Dengan Telkomsel
Uji coba tersebut akan dimulai, Senin (21/6/2010) hari ini dengan menggandeng kerja sama riset bersama ITB, UI, dan IT-Telkom. Hasil dari uji coba LTE akan menjadi penerapan roadmap teknologi mobile broadband Telkomsel yang saat ini didukung lebih dari 5.000 Node B atau BTS 3G. Sementara untuk penyediaan perangkat jaringan, Telkomsel menggandeng Huawei menjadi mitra. Uji coba teknologi LTE akan dilakukan di Jakarta.
“Kesiapan dalam mengujicoba teknologi terbaru ini semakin menguatkan komitmen Telkomsel dalam berinvestasi sekaligus memandu perkembangan industri telekomunikasi selular di Indonesia memasuki era baru layanan mobile broadband,” kata Direktur Utama Telkomsel Sarwoto Atmosutarno, dalam siaran persnya, Senin.
Saat ini perkembangan mobile broadband masih pada initial stage, di mana teknologi yang dimanfaatkan masih berbasis 3G, yang telah berevolusi ke HSDPA/HSUPA dan HSPA+. Teknologi tersebut terus berevolusi ke Dual Carrier HSPA+ (42Mbps), Multi Carrier (84Mbps), dan Multi Carrier yang didukung antena Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) 2×2 (168 Mbps).
Sementara di sisi lain teknologi baru seperti LTE juga mulai tersedia, di mana baik LTE dan LTE Advance menawarkan kapasitas dan kualitas melebihi HSPA+. Dengan LTE, layanan data dapat diakses dengan kecepatan hingga 172 Mbps, sementara LTE Advance menawarkan kecepatan hingga 300Mbps, 600Mbps, bahkan 1 Gbps dengan teknologi Multi Carrier dan MIMO 4×4.
Selain uji coba LTE, Telkomsel juga melakukan uji coba Dual Carrier HSPA+ bekerja sama dengan Ericsson di Medan dan Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) di Denpasar. Ke depannya seluruh mitra Telkomsel (Huawei, Ericsson, NSN, dan ZTE) akan menggelar uji coba untuk LTE dan Dual Carrier HSPA+.
Dalam uji coba kali ini Telkomsel melakukan pengkajian teknis maupun bisnis teknologi LTE, terutama kebutuhan akan sumber daya, seperti alokasi frekuensi untuk menggelar LTE, kebutuhan investasi baru bagi penyelenggaraan LTE, serta pendayagunaan investasi existing yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan implementasi LTE. Seluruh upaya ini dilakukan untuk mendukung perkembangan layanan mobile broadband ke depan yang sangat membutuhkan bandwidth besar, seperti: data kecepatan tinggi hingga 150 Mbps (downlink) dan 50 Mbps (uplink) untuk mendukung high definition streaming video, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), dan aplikasi-aplikasi lain yang membutuhkan data kecepatan tinggi.
Ke depannya LTE dan Dual Carrier HSPA+ diprediksi akan membawa perubahan industri telekomunikasi cukup signifikan, di mana pada era LTE perkembangan layanan berbasis data akan semakin pesat seiring dengan peningkatan kemampuan teknologi akses tersebut. Perkembangan layanan berbasis data juga ditentukan oleh berbagai aplikasi/service layer, seperti: teknologi IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), Service Delivery Platform (SDP), dan Cloud Computing. Di sisi lain, untuk mengembangkan berbagai layanan ke depan, operator membutuhkan dukungan dari mitra kerja, seperti: penyedia konten, aplikasi, dan device.
Senin, 12 Juli 2010
Citi Gets Seat In Indonesia
The U.S. bank also has an equity research group in the country, which it has been expanding since the beginning of this year in anticipation of the approval of its seat by the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
“We continue to invest in our Asia Pacific equities franchise to help our local clients and also our global clients who are increasingly looking to invest in Asian equities given the regional growth prospects,“ said Adrian Faure, Citgroup's Asian-Pacific head of equities.
“It will alsomake it easier for our clients to invest in the Indonesian market.“
Citigroup has equity desks in more than 80 countries globally and is the largest foreign bank in Indonesia by assets. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Plan To Save Indonesia's Forests Hits Snags
Announced by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at a conference in Oslo in late May, the plan was part of an international agreement aimed at reducing Indonesia's greenhouse gases by curbing deforestation. Indonesia is among the world's biggest sources of greenhouse gases, largely because of rampant burning of peat and forest land for palm oil plantations and other industries.
Norway pledged to invest up to $1 billion in Indonesian conservation projects and local authorities agreed to boost forest-monitoring efforts and other steps in addition to the two-year moratorium. Advocacy group WWF called the partnership “a huge step“ toward saving Indonesia's forests and Greenpeace hailed it as “a great start“ toward reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.
But the letter of intent underpinning the plan was vague about which forests would be covered, environmentalists and industry officials now say. It indicated the moratorium would cover “all new concessions“ for clearing of “peat and natural forest“ but didn't specify what constituted “natural“ forests or whether unused permits in virgin areas would be honored.
Government officials have since said that some areas, including lands around important infrastructure and renewable energy projects, won't be covered. Other forested areas may not be included because of power-sharing rules between the central government and local provincial officials, environmentalists say.
Meanwhile, industry leaders are gearing up to make sure they retain the right to clear areas they were already planning to develop. Environmentalists say more loopholes could emerge.
“We could still see quite a lot of deforestation happening over the next two years“ despite the moratorium, says Moray McLeish, a project manager for the Washington-based World Resources Institute, an environmental think tank.
Government officials acknowledge the program may not cover as much land as some had hoped and that many elements remain uncertain. But they say, with some agreement from environmentalists, the program still represents major progress.
“We'll get through this and the confusion will be settled“ before January, says Agus Purnomo, head of secretariat for the National Council on Climate Change in Indonesia and one of President Yudhoyono's top officials on climate-change policy. He predicts the plan will ultimately protect about 123 million acres. Indonesia lost roughly 1.2 million acres of forest each year from 2000 to 2010, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. About 49% of Indonesia's roughly 320 million acres of forest land is still pristine, the Forestry Ministry says.
Mr. Purnomo says many of the complaints over the deal “are created by elements of industry that would like to curtail this effort,“ while environmentalists are pressing for “radical“ interpretations that could block acceptable development. “We will settle somewhere in the middle,“ he says.
Forested areas are critical to Southeast Asia's largest economy and a source of revenue for many of its biggest companies, including Asia Pulp & Paper Co. and PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources & Technology, which produces palm oil. “We fear that the government regulation practically will stop all the possible expansion of oil palm,“ says M. Fadhil Hasan, executive director of the Indonesian Palm Oil Association.
One of the biggest questions is whether the moratorium will prevent the use of land-clearing permits that haven't been acted on. Indonesian companies have built up giant banks of undeveloped land; according to Greenpeace, there are least 44.5 million acres of forest on the island of Sumatra alone that can be developed under prior pulp and paper concessions if they aren't affected by the moratorium.
The language of the agreement focuses on “new concessions,“ and suggests such lands won't be covered. But environmentalists say failing to include them would undermine the benefits of the moratorium.
Mr. Purnomo, the Indonesian climate-change official, says the government intends to honor existing permits but may offer compensation in some cases if companies willingly agree to leave already-permitted areas untouched.
The long-term solution, environmental groups and government officials say, is for palm oil and other companies to meet their growth targets by boosting productivity on existing plots and expanding onto “degraded“ land, including areas that have already suffered some deforestation, rather than clearing new stretches of forest.
But officials haven't fully defined such areas, which are estimated to cover from 15 million acres to more than 99 million. An accounting of the lands is due to occur as part of the Norway pact, but industry leaders say they can't be expected to assess the suitability of such land until it is properly identified.
Facebook Finally Bows to Child Protection Calls
It is the result of Facebook and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre joining forces. An advertisement for the service will appear on the home page of all users aged between 13 and 18.
In the past, Facebook has been accused of arrogant complacency in the face of soaring complaints about online paedophiles. Child protection teams have said cases involving bullies and sexual predators trebled on the networking site this year yet Facebook snubbed repeated requests to install a vital panic button.
The site came under fire earlier this year following the conviction of a serial rapist for the murder of schoolgirl Ashleigh Hall. Peter Chapman, 33, posed as a young boy to lure the 17-year-old to her death in County Durham.
Jolie Downplays Sexuality in Salt
She said: “Females in those films rely on being female but we wanted to ignore that – she’s just Salt. “She doesn’t use her sexuality to get anything. In fact, in many ways it’s the roughest I’ve looked because when you fight it gets ugly and if someone breaks your nose it’s not pretty.”
The part of Evelyn Salt came about as a result of a script change – the role was originally meant to be played by a man, namely Tom Cruise.
“We discussed the film with Tom,” said director Phillip Noyce in Total Film magazine.
“His main fears were that the character was too close to Ethan Hunt, being a rogue spy, with extraordinary abilities.”
Jolie admits it was tough to adapt the screenplay to have a woman as the lead character. She told Total Film: “It was much harder than we thought to switch it from a male to a female because the challenges and surprises or how a man would react to a certain situation are not necessarily the same when it’s a woman.
“For example, the original character was married and he had a child and part of the discovery at the end was that he would find love. But for a woman the discovery of love is not a deep surprise.
Menolak Dicium, Dihantam Pompa Sepeda
Dd dilaporkan, tidak hanya soal pencabulan, tetapi juga penganiayaan, karena kepala Sela terluka. Dd pun diciduk dari rumahnya di Desa Gedogwetan, Kecamatan Turen, Sabtu (10/7) petang.
Minggu (11/7) siang, Dd masih diperiksa di PPA Polres Malang. “Kami masih memeriksa pelaku dan saksi-saksinya. Pelaku sudah mengakui perbuatannya,” kata AKP Hartoyo SH SIk, Kasat Reskrim Polres Malang.
Kepada penyidik, Dd mengaku suka menonton film biru. Bahkan sehari sebelumnya ia baru menikmati video yang diperankan artis mirip Ariel Peterpan dan Luna Maya yang sekarang kasus pidananya ditangani Mabes Polri. Tentu saja ia bingung karena tidak ada penyaluran, sementara birahi telanjur tinggi.
Ia pun mengincar Sela yang kebetulan sedang sendirian di rumahnya. Dd berpura-pura meminjam pompa sepeda motor. Namun, meski pompa sudah diserahkan, Dd tidak juga pergi. Bahkan ia nekat memegang tangan dan mencium Sela. Gadis itu pun berontak.
Namun, Dd dengan nafsu sudah di ubun-ubun pantang mundur. Ia pun meremas bagian tubuh Sela yang lain. Namun, karena Sela terus berontak dan malah menjerit, Dd hilang akal dan langsung memukulkan pompa itu ke kepala Sela. Dd langsung kabur. Sementara itu, warga yang mendengar jeritan korban langsung bergerak. Dd diamankan petang itu juga dan diserahkan ke polisi.
64 Die in Bomb Attacks in Uganda during World Cup
The deadliest attack occurred at a rugby club as people watched the game between Spain and the Netherlands on a large-screen TV outdoors. The second blast took place at an Ethiopian restaurant, where at least three Americans were wounded.
Joann Lockard, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy in Kampala, said one American was killed.
Kampala's police chief said he believed Somalia's most feared militant group, al-Shabab, could be responsible for the attack. Al-Shabab is known to have links with al-Qaida, and it counts militant veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan conflicts among its ranks.
A head and legs were found at the rugby club, suggesting a suicide bomber may have been to blame, an AP reporter at the scene said.
At least three Americans — part of a church group from Pennsylvania — were wounded at the Ethiopian restaurant. One was Kris Sledge, 18, of Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania.
"I remember blacking out, hearing people screaming and running," Sledge said from the hospital. His right leg was wrapped and he had burns on his face. "I love the place here but I'm wondering why this happened and who did this ... At this point we're just glad to be alive."
At the scenes of the two blasts, blood and pieces of flesh littered the floor among overturned chairs.
Police Chief Kale Kaihura originally said at least 30 people had been killed, though the toll could be higher.
Later, a senior police official at the scene said that 64 people had been killed — 49 from the rugby club and 15 at the Ethiopian restaurant. The official said he could not be identified.
Kaihura said he suspected al-Shabab, that country's most hardline militant group. Its fighters, including two recruited from the Somali communities in the United States, have carried out multiple suicide bombings in Somalia. If Kaihura's suspicions that al-Shabab was responsible for the Uganda bombings prove true, it would be the first time the group has carried out attacks outside of Somalia.
Simultaneous attacks are one of al-Qaida's hallmarks.
In Mogadishu, Somalia, Sheik Yusuf Sheik Issa, an al-Shabab commander, told The Associated Press early Monday that he was happy with the attacks in Uganda. Issa refused to confirm or deny that al-Shabab was responsible for the bombings.
"Uganda is one of our enemies. Whatever makes them cry, makes us happy. May Allah's anger be upon those who are against us," Sheik said.
During weekly Friday prayers in Somalia two days before the double bombing, another al-Shabab commander, Sheik Muktar Robow, called for militants to attack sites in Uganda and Burundi — two nations that contribute troops to the African Union peacekeeping force in Mogadishu.
In addition to its troops in Mogadishu, Uganda also hosts Somali soldiers trained in U.S. and European-backed programs.
On Sunday, White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said the U.S. was prepared to provide any necessary assistance to the Ugandan government.
"The president is deeply saddened by the loss of life resulting from these deplorable and cowardly attacks, and sends his condolences to the people of Uganda and the loved ones of those who have been killed or injured," Vietor said.
Kenya's foreign minister, Moses M. Wetangula, told The Associated Press last week that enough veteran militants from the Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan conflicts have relocated to Somalia to spark worry inside the international community.
International militants have flocked to Somalia because the country's government controls only a few square miles of the capital, Mogadishu, leaving most of the rest of the country as lawless territory where insurgents can train and plan attacks unimpeded.
Strong 6.2 Quake Strikes Chile
SANTIAGO, KOMPAS.com - A strong 6.2 magnitude earthquake rattled northeastern Chile late Sunday in the region of Antofagasta, home to one of the driest places on Earth, US seismologists said. The quake had a depth of 56.7 miles (91.3 kilometers) and was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) east-northeast of Calama, the US Geological Survey said. It hit at 8:11 pm (0011 GMT Sunday).
No injuries or damages were reported in Calama, located in the middle of the Atacama desert — considered one of the driest in the world — and in San Pedro de Atacama, one of the country’s most popular tourist centers, local police sources told AFP.
“I was walking and noticed how the ground shook, but there was no alarm or panic, everything normal,” said tour guide Patricio Silva, who lives in San Pedro de Atacama.
Chile’s National Emergency Office said phone lines were saturated after the quake, which was considered of “medium strength.” It said the situation has “normalized.” “What we are talking about would be very close to Argentine territory, which by definition rules out the possibility of a tsunami,” the shift manager at the regional emergency office Onemi, Miguel Ortiz, told Radio Cooperativa.
A massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck Chile on February 27, sparking a huge tsunami that killed 521 people and swept away entire villages. The disaster caused an estimated 30 billion dollars in damage.
Chile’s economy had been on an upward trend since its recovery from the global downturn at the end of 2009. The quake, though, interrupted that trajectory.
Paul Cuma Gurita!
JOHANNESBURG – Prediksi Paul si gurita terus menuai kontroversi. Dia kerap dimaki tim yang tak dijagokannya dan kemudian gagal di Piala Dunia.
Baru-baru ini diberiatakn fans Jerman melampiaskan kegagalan tim kesayangannya kepada Paul. Si gurita yang namanya tengah melambung dimaki-maki melakui situs jejaring sosial, Twitter.
Tapi, kali ini giliran tim yang diunggulkan lah, yang merasa risih dengan prediksi Paul. Ya, gurita yang berada di Jerman memprediksi Spanyol akan menjadi juara baru di Afrika Selatan, sekaligus mengubur mimpi Belanda memupus kutukan sebagai tim juara tanpa mahkota.
Setidaknya, itu diakui bek veteran Carlos Marchena. Dia menegaskan punggawa La Furia Roja akan merebut trofi Piala Dunia berkat kerja keras, bukan lantaran dijagokan Paul.
“Paul? Dia hanya seekor gurita!” tegas Marchena, sebagaimana disitat Goal, Minggu (11/7/2010).
“Kami ingin mendapat lebih dari apa yang dicapai sekarang. Kami belum pernah seperti ini sebelumnya dan ingin menikmati momen ini,” lanjut bek tengah milik Valencia.
Van Bronckhorst Siap Latih Timnas Indonesia
JOHANNESBURG – Usia Giovanni van Bronckhorst terbilang sudah tidak muda lagi sebagai pemain. Kapten Timnas Belanda di Piala Dunia 2010 ini ternyata punya cita-cita menjadi pelatih tim sepakbola selepas gantung sepatu sebagai pemain.
Pemain berpengalaman asal Feyenoord ini sudah kenyang merasakan pentas tertinggi sepakbola dunia baik bersama Timnas Belanda atau klub besar semacam Arsenal dan Barcelona. Pengalaman itu akan dijadikannya sebagai rujukan untuk membuka jalan sebagai pelatih.
“Gio punya rencana menjadi pelatih. Dia sudah memulainya dengan menangani tim Belanda junior,” ujar ayah Giovanni, Victor van Bronckhorst saat menerima kunjungan wartawan Indonesia di Johannesburg, Jumat (9/7/2010), malam waktu setempat.
Victor cukup prihatin dengan kondisi persepakbolaan Indonesia yang terpuruk. Kondisi itu berbanding terbalik dengan prestasi Belanda yang sudah mendunia. Melihat kondisi ini, Victor yakin putranya tidak akan keberatan jika bisa membantu Indonesia berprestasi di tingkat dunia.
“Gio sangat bangga dengan darah Indonesia. Bila kelak dia menjadi pelatih, saya rasa dia akan dengan senang hati membantu persepakbolaan Indonesia, dengan menjadi pelatih dan mengantarkan Indonesia ke Piala Dunia misalnya,” ungkap pria ramah ini.
Sebagai orang tua, Victor dan Istrinya Fransien sangat mendukung apapun keputusan Giovanni, termasuk langkahnya seusai Piala Dunia 2010. “Dia sudah mendapatkan semuanya sebagai pemain. Tapi, kami akan terus memberikan dukungan apapun keputusan Gio,” tutup Victor dan Fransien. (fit)
Van Bronckhorst Bangga Berdarah Indonesia
JOHANNESBURG – Giovanni van Bronckhorst menjadi salah satu pahlawan Belanda dengan mengantarkan timnya menuju laga puncak Piala Dunia 2010. Kendati sudah mencapai kesuksesan tertinggi sebagai pesepakbola, pemain yang akrab disapa Giovanni tersebut tetap sosok yang rendah hati dan ingat dengan tanah leluhurnya di timur Indonesia, Ambon.
Dalam perbicangan hangat dengan kedua orang tua pemain milik Feyenoord ini, ayah serta ibunda Gio, Victor dan Fransien van Bronckhorst, mengungkapkan kebanggan besar diri dan anaknya sebagai orang yang memiliki darah Ambon.
“Saya mendengar dari beberapa keluarga di sana (Ambon), dan melihat situs jejaring, jika tanah Maluku menjadi berwarna Oranye ketika Belanda lolos ke final Piala Dunia 2010. Sangat membanggakan dan saya memberitahu Giovanni tentang ini,” jelas Victor yang menerima rombongan wartawaan Indonesia di Johannesburg, Jumat (9/7/2010), malam waktu setempat.
Pria yang masih terlihat muda ini juga tak kuasa menahan haru ketika melihat putra kesayangannya mencetak gol indah ke gawang Uruguay, pada laga semifinal lalu. Victor menganggap itu adalah kado ulang tahun baginya yang sangat indah.
“Beberapa hari sebelum laga semifinal saya berulang tahun yang ke-50. Dan gol Gio seakan menjadi kado ulang tahun untuk saya. Itu aalah gol yang sangat indah,” ujarnya dengan bahasa Indonesia terpatah-patah lengkap dengan dialek Ambon.
Keluarga dan kerabat di Ambon juga memberikan dukungan besar kepada kesuksan Giovanni di laga final nanti. “Peluang kedua tim sebenarnya 50:50. Mental yang berbicara di laga final. Tapi saya punya perasaan jika Belanda akan menang. Gio memang mempunyai hubungan dekat dengan beberapa pemain Spanyol seperti Xavi Hernandez dan Andres Iniesta, tapi dia sangat professional,” sambung Fransien.
Victor dan Fransien sudah beberapa kali berkunjung ke Indonesia dan Ambon. Keduanya kerap menginap di kediaman kerabatnya di bilangan Cinere, Depok, Jawa Barat. Mereka mengatakan jika Gio punya rencana berlibur ke Indonesia setelah tidak sibuk dengan sepakbola. (msy)
Fabregas: Ini Momen Bersejarah
JOHANNESBURG – Selama Piala Dunia, Gelandang Spanyol Cecs Fabregas lebih banyak di bangku cadangan. Namun saat final, pemain yang baru masuk di babak kedua menjadi figur penting dari kemenangan Spanyol.
Pemain Arsenal ini lah yang memberikan assist kepada Andres Iniesta sehingga gol satu-satunya yang mengantarkan Spanyol menjadi juara, tercipta.
Bagi Fabregas momen itu sangat emosional bagi dirinya karena kesempatan menjadi juara tentu merupakan momen yang sulit diulang kembali.
“Ini momen sejarah yang kita tidak tahu kapan akan bisa diulang lagi,” jelas Fabregas seperti dikutip AS, Senin (12/7/2010).
”Saya persembahkan kemenangan ini untuk seluruh keluarga saya.Sebenarnya saya sedikit down karena tidak banyak dimainkan, dan itu tidak saya inginkan, tapi pada akhirnya itu menjadi berharga,” tambah dia.
Fabregas juga memberi apresiasi kepada fans dan berharap Spanyol akan kembali mengulang hasil manis di Piala Eropa 2012 mendatang di Polandia dan Ukraina.
“Terima kasih kepada fans, mereka lah yang terbaik.Kami tidak tahu sejauh mana dukungan mereka, tapi kami tahu dari keluarga dan teman-teman. Saya berharap di dua tahun kedepan kami bisa mengalami suka cita ini lagi,” tutup Fabregas.
Seratus buat Paul
Paul adalah seekor gurita berusia dua tahun yang tinggal di sebuah akuarium raksasa di Oberhausen, Jerman. Ada yang bilang makhluk bertentakel delapan ini berasal dari Inggris ada pula yang mengklaimnya berasal dari Italia.
Pada awalnya, Paul membuat ramalan untuk pertandingan yang dilakoni tim Jerman. Ia jitu menebak Jerman berhasil menghantam Australia, tepat pula kala menebak Der Panzer akan takluk dari Serbia.
Kebenaran ramalan Paul makin terbukti kala ia berturut-turut sanggup meramal Jerman akan menang dari Ghana, unggul atas Inggris di perelapanfinal dan menang dari Argentina di perempatfinal.
Pada laga semifinal, Paul kembali meramal. Namun kali ini ramalannya Jerman akan tersisih di tangan Spanyol. Hasilnya? Tepat. Philipp Lahm cs kandas di tangan Spanyol di empat besar.
Paul lantas meramal Jerman akan mengungguli Uruguay di perebutan tempat ketiga. Seperti biasanya, tebakan makhluk moluska itu kembali terbukti benar karena Jerman menang 3-2.
Dan untuk kali pertama, Paul lantas meramal pertandingan yang tidak melibatkan Jerman. Yang ia ramal adalah duel final Piala Dunia 2010 antara Belanda menghadapi Spanyol dengan hasil Spanyol yang menang.
Ternyata tebakan Paul kembali benar dan Spanyol pun jadi jawara dunia. Artinya, dari delapan prediksi yang dibuat, Paul sukses menebak dengan benar sebanyak delapan kali. Hebat, Paul!
Spanyol Juara
Kenyataan itu hanyalah salah satu fakta yang tersaji dalam pertandingan di Soccer City, Senin (12/7/2010) dinihari WIB. Berikut sejumlah data-fakta lainnya, sebagaimana dicatat oleh situs resmi FIFA.
- 116 menit yang harus dilalui dalam laga Spanyol kontra Belanda sebelum akhirnya Andres Iniesta memecah kebuntuan. Itu adalah satu-satunya gol yang hadir.
- 32 tahun sudah berlalu semenjak kali terakhir sebuah partai final ditentukan lewat gol di babak extra-time. Sebelum Piala Dunia 2010, hal ini mewujud di final Piala Dunia 1978, saat Belanda kalah dari Argentina.
- 6 final Piala Dunia harus diselesaikan tidak di waktu normal, dengan 2006 dan 2010 menjadi satu-satunya yang terjadi berurutan. Empat lainnya terjadi pada 1934, 1966, 1978 and 1994.
- 5 tim Eropa kini sudah mencatatkan diri jadi juara Piala Dunia, di mana masing-masing dari mereka sudah bisa melakukannya pada kesempatan pertama mencapai final. Sebelum kesuksesan Spanyol, ada Italia yang kali pertama juara tahun 1934, Jerman Barat (1954), Inggris (1966) dan Prancis (1998).
- 4 laga Spanyol di babak knockout Piala Dunia 2010 selalu berakhir 1-0. Ini membuat mereka jadi tim pertama yang bisa membuat clean sheets di seluruh empat laga knockoutnya sebelum jadi juara. Jerman sebelumnya pernah membuat tiga kemenangan beruntun dengan skor 1-0 di babak knockout, sebelum ditekuk Brasil 0-2 di final.
- 3 kali sudah Belanda jadi runner-up Piala Dunia setelah juga kalah di partai final pada gelaran 1974 dan 1978.
- 2 gol saja yang bersarang di gawang Spanyol di Piala Dunia 2010, dengan satu gol dibuat Gelson Fernandez dari Swiss dan Rodrigo Millar dari Chile. ini setara dengan jumlah kebobolan gol paling sedikit sebuah tim dalam lajunya menjadi juara Piala Dunia. Sebelumnya sudah ada Prancis (1998) dan Italia (2006).
- 2 tim sukses menjadi juara Piala Dunia setelah sebelumnya menjadi jawara Eropa. Jerman Barat jadi yang pertama melakukannya usai melengkapi titel juara Piala Eropa 1972 dengan Piala Dunia 1974. Spanyol menyamainya dengan gelar juara Piala Eropa 2008 dan Piala Dunia 2010.
- 1 tim yang menuntaskan Piala Dunia 2010 tanpa kekalahan. Bukan Spanyol sang juara, yang kalah 0-1 di laga pembuka lawan Swiss, melainkan Selandia Baru yang tersingkir di fase grup usai melewati tiga partainya dengan hasil seri.
Speedy Rambah Segmen Anak-Anak
JAKARTA - Pengenalan teknologi kepada anak-anak sebaiknya dilakukan sejak usia dini. Hal itu mendorong Telkom untuk membantu mengenalkan internet dan kecanggihan teknologi kepada anak-anak.
Akhir pekan lalu, PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) dan KidZania (PT.Aryan Indonesia) menyelenggarakan Soft Opening Ceremony Establishment Speedy Digital Learning Center di Establishment Speedy Digital Learning Center dan Main Square KidZania. Establishment Speedy Digital Learning Center KidZania akan menjadi tempat favorit bagi anak-anak sekaligus memberikan kesempatan kepada mereka belajar membuat animasi digital yang selanjutnya di upload ke dalam suatu website dan jaringan sosial berdasarkan pengalaman langsung dari kehidupan nyata (active learning and first-hand role play experience) semenjak usia dini.
"Melalui Speedy Digital Learning Center KidZania anak akan belajar bekerja di bidang teknologi informasi khususnya creative digital animation dalam suatu wahana bermain baru yang sangat menarik bagi anak-anak, dan didorong oleh lingkungan perkembangan dunia teknologi informasi yang semakin atractive ke depan," kata Vice President Public and Marketing Communication PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Telkom Eddy Kurnia dalam keterangannya, Senin (12/7/2010).
Melalui establishment yang memiliki luas 38,95 meter persegi dan kapasitas sebanyak sepuluh orang ini, anak-anak akan bekerja untuk membuat suatu animasi secara digital dan mengetahui proses meng-upload animasi tersebut ke dalam situs jaringan sosial anak–anak yaitu republikaanak.com. Anak-anak akan dipandu oleh 2 orang zupervisor terlatih dari KidZania. Sebagai imbalan, karena mereka telah bekerja dengan baik, mereka akan mendapatkan gaji berupa mata uang resmi KidZania sebesar 20 KidZos.
Dalam waktu dekat ini, Speedy bekerjasama dengan KidZania akan menghadirkan Digital Learning Center bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan suatu aktivitas baru sebagai pembuat animasi dalam bentuk digital, suatu profesi yang baru dan sangat menyenangkan untuk anak-anak sekaligus untuk memperkenalkan program khusus yang ditujukan untuk anak-anak yaitu SpeedyKids, yang akan diperkenalkan lebih lanjut, baik aktivitas online maupun offline (interaksi fisik), yang akan memberikan benefit luar biasa kepada anak-anak Indonesia modern. Tunggu saatnya hadir bagi anak-anak Indonesia.
Senin, 05 Juli 2010
Dokumen Microsoft Tentang Windows 8 Bocor ke Internet
Di slide dokumen itu diperlihatkan visi Microsoft untuk ekosistem Windows 8, yaitu: desain komputer yang dibidik, kemampuan perangkat keras, dan permintaan bahwa parameter ini akan dipasang di komputer OEM.
Salah satu fitur yang terlihat ambisius adalah Windows Store. Ini adalah toko aplikasi untuk pengembang piranti lunak yang akan mudah dijangkau dari Windows maupun dari Internet.
Toko ini akan menangani fitur-fitur standar, seperti pengelolaan account dan pembaruan piranti lunak, menyediakan kemampuan mereplika aplikasi dan pengelolaannya di berbagai perangkat yang berbeda. Pesaing yang dibidik adalah App Store dari Apple.
Microsoft sendiri sebetulnya sudah memiliki Microsoft Marketplace meski tak sukses. Jadi, aneh juga bila perusahaan yang berbasis di Redmond, Amerika Serikat ini, mencoba lagi.
Windows 8 dipersiapkan sebagai penerus Windows 7 yang diluncurkan pada Oktober tahun lalu. Kemampuannya telah ditingkatkan. Bila sebelumnya Windows 7 tak terlalu banyak menjangkau sensor dan aplikasi berbasis lokasi, maka Windows 8 akan lebih baik.
Menurut Microsoft, Windows 8 akan menjangkau sensor yang lebih beragam. Seperti GPS, posisi berbasis menara BTS, sensor kedekatan, accelerometer, dan kamera web.
Di dokumen yang didistribusikan pada April itu tak disebutkan kapan Windows 8 akan diluncurkan. Namun, di sana juga disebutkan soal rencana rilis Internet Explorer 9 versi Beta pada Agustus.
Juru bicara Microsoft sendiri menolak berkomentar soal dokumen dan kesahihannya. Namun analis menilai dokumen itu, meski pun benar, lebih baik disebut sebagai wacana semata.
Pasalnya, Windows 7 saja belum berumur setahun. Oleh sebab itu, tak mungkin Windows 8 diluncurkan sebelum 2012.
“Dokumen itu adalah upaya untuk mendapatkan masukan,” kata Matt Rosoff, analis dari Directions on Microsoft. "Ini adalah upaya dari Microsoft untuk mengatakan apa yang sedang mereka pikirkan.”
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT, didirikan 1975), berkantor pusat di Redmond, Washington, Amerika Serikat, adalah perusahaan perangkat lunak terbesar di dunia (dengan lebih dari 50.000 karyawan di berbagai negara, hingga Mei 2004).
Microsoft mengembangkan, membuat, melisensikan dan mendukung beragam jenis produk software untuk berbagai peralatan perkomputeran. Produknya yang paling terkenal adalah kelompok sistem operasi Microsoft Windows, yang telah ada di mana-mana dalam pasar komputer desktop.
Strategi bisnis Microsoft yang agresif telah mengakibatkan beberapa penyelidikan pemerintah, termasuk tuntutan hukum federal pada tahun 1998 di mana Microsoft dinyatakan telah secara ilegal menggunakan kekuatan monopolinya untuk mengalahkan pesaingnya; melalui aksi banding dan negosiasi, Microsoft telah mengurangi pengaruh dari keputusan ini pada pengoperasian perusahaan dan status keuangannya.
Produk dan organisasi
Microsoft menjual beragam produk software. Banyak dari produk tersebut dikembangkan secara internal, misalnya Microsoft Basic. Beberapa produk dibeli dari pihak lain lalu dimerek ulang oleh Microsoft untuk distribusinya, seperti Microsoft Project, sebuah program manajemen projek; Visio, sebuah program pentabelan; DoubleSpace; Virtual PC yang dibeli dari Connectix; dan bahkan MS-DOS sendiri, yang menjadi awal kesuksesan Microsoft dalam dunia pembuatan dan pemasaran perangkat lunak.
Pada bulan April 2002, Microsoft diorganisasi-ulang menjadi tujuh unit bisnis utama,yaitu:
- Windows Client (mengelola client, server dan sistem operasi bernama Microsoft Windows)
- Information Worker (mengelola produk software perkantoran)
- Microsoft Business Solutions (mengelola jasa bisnis dan aplikasi proses)
- Server and Tools (mengelola perangkat pengembangan dan software server yang terintegrasi)
- Mobile and Embedded Devices (mengelola palmtop dan jasa telepon)
- MSN (mengelola jasa berbasis-web)
- Home and Entertainment (mengelola hardware dan software konsumen)
Ada pula Unit Bisnis Macintosh yang menjadikan Microsoft pengembang software Macintosh terbesar di luar Apple sendiri.
Playboy Playmate Victoria Silvstedt Can't Stop Posing
The former Playboy Playmate struck a series of practised poses as she sunned herself on her yacht in the south of France.
The 35-year-old Swedish model twisted and turned, put her hands on her hip and stuck out her rear as she showed off her moves.
In her white bikini Victoria could have been posing for a cover shoot, but instead it was all for the benefit of a group of friends.
She even instructed one friend on how to pose, sitting her on the edge of the yacht and snapping away with her mobile phone.
Victoria, who speaks Swedish, Italian, English and French, is divorced from U.S. news anchor Chris Wragge.
She has been largely single since the break-up, three years ago. The former Miss Sweden she was seen sitting astride a male friend's lap, apparently kissing him as they talked in the yacht's cabin.
Victoria starred in her own reality show, Victoria Silvstedt: My Perfect Life, and has also achieved some success as an actress, along with spells as a fashion designer and pop star. But her career has been quieter in recent months.
The one-time Olympic skiing hopeful hosted her own show, Sport By Victoria, on Eurosport during this year's Winter Olympics. And she attended a series of red carpet events at this year's Cannes Festival.
Over Porn Videos, Indonesia Criticized by Australia
"During the working visit, the Australian Communications and Information Minister had made an insinuation by saying that the Australian community in fact also enjoyed the Indonesian singer for leaking the porn video recording," said Max Sopacua when contacted by ANTARA Sunday.
The insinuation was conveyed in a conversation of Australian officials who said they also also enjoyed the Indonesian artist’s raunchy performance by browsing through the Internet. The Indonesian delegates were discussing information technology and media convergence developments and how they reacted to Indonesia and Australia at the meeting.
Addressing the development of information technology through the Internet is quite difficult, he said. Max said that the Indonesian government recently is encouraging technological progress of information via the Internet to increase public knowledge on the development of information but on the other hand, unwanted information such as the porn video is hard to prevent.
Besides meeting with the Australian Minister, the delegates also visited the SBC television station to see how the management and programs to be broadcast is. Besides, Max said that they were also visited the Australian Ministry of Defense to discuss bilateral relations in areas such as defense-border problems.
Indonesia Govt Responsible for Those Gas Blasts
The blasts have not only injured and even also killed dozens of people, they have also ruined the houses and property of the ill-fated victims. From June 2 to July 1, 2010, at least seven gas cylinder-related accidents had occurred in the cities of Surabaya, Bekasi, Jakarta, Malang and Medan, killing six people, wounding seven others, and damaging 38 houses.
Local print and electronic media reported that the blasts were more frequently related to the three-kilogram gas cylinders than the 12-kilogram bigger ones. It means that the accidents are closely related to the implementation of the government’s conversion policy. Due to these gas cylinder bursts, a lot of ordinary Indonesians have felt they were being terrorized. Many have returned to woods and kerosene while others keep using the LPG cylinders for cooking on their stove.
"I am scared of the gas cylinder blasts that I often seen on TV news bulletins over the past two months," said Ida, a resident of Kampung Baru village, Babalan sub-district, Langkah district, North Sumatra.
However, the 63-year-old woman, who is now relying only on a pension as a retired teacher and living with her husband at her modest house, said would continue using gas stoves as kerosene has become too expensive and increasingly difficult to get.
"I have been using gas stoves for the past two months as kerosene has become difficult to obtain these days. Although I can still afford it, but then I have to pay Rp7,500 a liter of it, and its quality has gotten worse. It may have been mixed with diesel oil by irresponsible people. With three children are now living in Java.
In avoiding any such accidents, Ida said she preferred the 12 kilogram gas cylinders to the three-kilogram ones although the the latter are cheaper. In preventing the people like her self from the LPG cylinder-related blast terror, she demanded the government to immediately solve the problem.
Ida’s demand is acceptable and needs to be responded to soon. In its July 2 editorial, Kompas, reminded government of its responsibilities of protecting the people. Through its editorial entitled "Protecting the People", this leading daily newspaper underlined the government’s pledge to improve the management of its kerosene-LPG conversion policy implementation.
The government had vowed to withdraw the three-kilogram gas cylinders, gas pipes and valves (regulators) which did not met the Indonesian National Industrial Standards (SNI) from the people.
All the withdrawn devices were then replaced with those meeting the SNI. In implementing its kerosene-LPG conversion policy, at least 45 million packages of gas stoves and three-kilogram gas cylinders had been distributed to the people for free more than two years ago.
In addition to the 45 million free gas stoves and cylinders, Kompas noted that other 25 million gas cylinders were currently available in the local market. "The people surely do not know about those bad quality gas stoves, cylinders, pipes, and valves. It means that the gas cylinder-related blasts can still occur at any time and place."
"At the same time, while the government remains busy with the discourse of who does what as well as how in meeting the needed supplies and distribution, the gas stove blasts are likely still a threat," the newspaper warned. The government itself is responsive enough to the blast incidents. Through the state oil company, PT Pertamina, it has been trying to secure the use of gas stoves.
As recently stipulated by Pertamina’s Marketing and Business Director Djaelani Sutomo, the recommended SNI gas pipes and cylinders to replace the bad quality ones would have been available in West Java and Jakarta on July 6. They are not distributed free, but those wishing to get a set of these good quality gas stoves and pipes would have to pay Rp45,200.
Whether this government’s effort is effective in avoiding gas cylinder blasts remains to be seen. What the government need is to always keep in mind the safety and security of its people as its "raison d’etre" (reason for being). Therefore, as warned by Indonesia’s news channel and Metro TV, "don’t send bombs to Indonesian homes".
What SBY Brings Home after Visiting 3 Countries
Among those who welcomed the president were Vice President Boediono, Police Chief Gen. Bambang Hendarso Danuri, Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Chief Gen Djoko Santoso and Jakarta Governor Bauzi Bowo. The president also greeted journalists who covered his tour of the three countries, including Saudi Arabia where he performed a minor hajj pilgrimage.
"I conveyed my prayers (during minor hajj ritual) for all. I prayed for His blessings for the nation and state," Yudhoyono said while heading towards the VIP room of the airport.
The president visited Canada, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. In Toronto, the president attended the G20 summit. On the sidelines of the summit, he happened to meet US President Barack Obama to discuss a number of programs.
In Turkey, the head of state conducted a state visit and met with a number of local business leaders. After his visit to Turkey, Yudhoyono headed to Saudi Arabia to perform a minor hajj ritual.
Toyota Starts Recall in Japan over Engine Defect
The world's top automaker told the government Monday it is recalling 91,903 vehicles in Japan for flaws in the valve springs. The defect could make the vehicle stall while it is moving.
Toyota disclosed the problem last week and said it planned action. It affects some 270,000 vehicles around the world. About 138,000 of the Lexus vehicles are in the U.S. The company said it has received 220 complaints about the problem but no crashes have been reported.
Fireworks Follow Sun-Scorched July 4 Festivals
"It's amazing on TV," said Marcos Jimenez, a golf caddy who joined thousands of others lining the riverfront for a prime view of the show. "I figured seeing it live would be even better."
Budget cuts forced some communities to pull the plug on the pyrotechnics, but the gigantic Macy's fireworks show went on as planned on Manhattan's West Side, where it moved in 2009 after eight years on the East River.
Ten-year-old Nathan Felde of Folsom, Calif., watched with his parents and 6-year-old brother, Elijah, who screamed at the sight of a glowing red circle with a blue ring around it.
"Look Nathan, it's Saturn!" Elijah said.
The show, which aired live on NBC, began just before 9:30 p.m. with huge fireballs exploding in the night sky to the strains of patriotic tunes like "Stars and Stripes Forever" and "The Battle Hymn of the Republic."
Austin Noon, 12, of Ontario, Canada, said his favorite firework was one that looked like a face, with a red circle, two dots for eyes and a smile.
His mother, Janet Noon, said the family often comes to the United States for the Fourth of July. "It's so festive, we had a lot of fun," Noon said. "We like to crash birthday parties."
The shimmering fireworks that streaked across the night sky replaced a blazing sun that broiled nearly everywhere east of the Mississippi with temperatures in the 90s.
In Washington, vendors with stocked coolers hawked "cold," "ice cold," and even "super cold" bottles of water along Constitution Avenue. There was a long line for watermelon — $3 for a huge wedge — and near the Washington Monument, firefighters and U.S. Park Police officers sprayed hoses into the crowd.
"I just need some AC," said Brooke Fenske, 16, of Elgin, Minn. Fenske, in town for a 4-H trip, said it doesn't get this hot in her home state.
In Bellevue, Iowa, a 60-year-old woman was killed and at least 23 other people were injured at a parade after two runaway horses pulling a wagon took off, running into spectators along the streets, police said. Four of the victims were critically injured.
In New York, American Joey Chestnut won the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest on Brooklyn's Coney Island for the fourth straight year, but one of his biggest rivals tried to crash the celebration and was taken into custody.
Six-time champion Takeru Kobayashi, who has not signed a contract with Major League Eating to be free to compete in contests sanctioned by other groups, went on stage after the competition. Police officers grabbed him, and he tried to hold onto police barricades as they took him into custody.
In Washington, thousands gathered on the National Mall were treated to 17 minutes of fireworks, shot off behind the Washington Monument. Thousands of visitors sat on the steps of the U.S. Capitol for the July 4 concert, featuring David Archuleta, Reba McEntire and the National Symphony Orchestra.
The Obama family celebrated the holiday by hosting members of the military and their families for a barbecue, concert and a view of fireworks on the South Lawn of the White House.
"Michelle and I couldn't imagine a better way to celebrate America's birthday than with America's extraordinary men and women in uniform and their families," President Barack Obama told the guests.
Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Iraq on Saturday evening for the holiday weekend, his second visit there this year, and attended a citizenship ceremony at one of Saddam Hussein's former hunting lodges.
Festivities in Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776, will conclude Monday after 11 days of parades and concerts. The Goo Goo Dolls were headlining a free concert on Sunday night, which will be followed by a fireworks show.
There will be more than 40 firework displays in Los Angeles. One of the largest in the area is held at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Fire crews have spread fire retardant on the nearby hillsides to prevent sparks from igniting brush fires.
Chicago traditionally celebrated a day early on July 3 with a fireworks display that drew more than 1 million people, but the show was canceled this year to save at least $500,000. The city will hold three smaller shows on Sunday.
In Seattle, local businesses and individuals donated the $500,000 needed for the city's 20-minute fireworks show, in which 3 tons of explosives will be set off over Lake Union.
In Durango, Colo., the fireworks display will go on thanks to embattled oil giant BP.
The company stepped forward in December to pay for the fireworks show, five months before oil began spilling from the spot in the Gulf of Mexico where one of the company's rigs exploded.
City officials were poised to cancel the $15,000 show because of a budget crunch but BP, which drills for natural gas in Colorado, offered to pick up the tab.
Cristiano Ronaldo's Shocking Announcement on Facebook
The footballer is currently dating Russian underwear model Irina Shayk, but the baby's mother is said to be American. Ronaldo spent last summer in Los Angeles and Miami after signing for Real Madrid from Manchester United for a record £80million.
The world's most expensive and arguably most famous footballer said his son would be kept under his ' exclusive guardianship', leading to questions about why the mother has given him up.
The baby is thought likely to be brought up by Ronaldo's family in his native Portugal. Ronaldo, whose poor World Cup campaign came to an end last week when Portugal were knocked out by Spain, is now concentrating again on club football.
But his gruelling training regime and fixtures at Real Madrid, where he earns £180,000 a week, combined with a love of the high life, make it all but impossible to imagine him being a single parent.
That makes it likely that the child's upbringing will have plenty of input from Ronaldo's formidable mother Dolores. The announcement of the birth was made on the internet in the early hours of yesterday morning.
It said: 'It is with great joy and emotion that I inform I have recently become father to a baby boy.
'As agreed with the baby's mother, who prefers to have her identity kept confidential, my son will be under my exclusive guardianship.'
Last night, more than 18 hours after the messages first appeared and after 40,000 fans had registered their congratulations on Facebook, Ronaldo's agent confirmed the story, saying: 'Yes, it's true. We make no further comment.'
It is not known whether the footballer had a fling with the woman in question or whether she had the child through a 'Ricky Martin'- style arrangement.
The singer became a father to twins with help from a surrogate mother in 2008.
Yesterday a Portuguese newspaper, Correio da Manha, said Ronaldo's son was born in early June. A family friend apparently told the newspaper that the player's mother and sisters Elma and Katia were preparing the documentation to take the child to Portugal.
However, last night it was understood that the baby is already in Portugal. Ronaldo has been linked to scores of beautiful women in the past few years.
He was linked with tennis player Maria Sharapova, 23, in 2006, and Big Brother star Imogen Thomas, 26, in 2008. Last year he was romantically linked with Paris Hilton, 29, in June and with Kim Kardashian, 29, in April of this year.
If it is true that the baby was born in June, it must have been conceived around September last year when 21-year-old Italian Raffaella Fico claimed to be dating the footballer.
Ronaldo took her to an Elton John concert in Lisbon in June 2009. Months later, she claimed she was still dating the star and had met his family, but Ronaldo never commented on the supposed relationship. The striker is said to be madly in love with current girlfriend Irina.
Last month they were enjoying a five-day pre-World Cup break on a £50,000 a-week yacht off the coast of Corsica, with the 5ft 10in green-eyed beauty telling friends Ronaldo wanted to have children with her.
Only two months ago, Ronaldo was at the centre of a pregnancy riddle involving a stunning Spanish model. Former Miss Spain Maria Jose Suarez was linked to the star after splitting with her boyfriend, tennis player Feliciano Lopez, when she discovered she was pregnant.
The footballer was named in the media as her secret lover, sparking speculation he was the father of the child. But she denied sleeping with Ronaldo and last week it emerged she had lost her baby.
Facebook Nipplegate Row
Victoria Buckley, who owns a high-end jewellery store in the Strand Arcade on George Street, has long used the dolls as inspiration for her pieces and hasn't had one complaint about the A3 posters of the nudes in her shop window.
But over the weekend she received six warnings from Facebook saying the pictures of the dolls, which show little more than nipples, constituted "inappropriate content" and breached the site's terms of service.
The warnings said Facebook would remove the images and Buckley is worried she will be banned from the site if she re-posts them.
It comes after the site incurred the wrath of mothers all over the world by banning photos of them breastfeeding their children, calling such shots "obscene content". Facebook has also come under fire for banning images of a British woman's mastectomy scars, published on the site to raise awareness of breast cancer.
Buckley said Facebook were behaving like "philistines" and blamed the issue on "American puritanism".
"Really here we're talking about nipples on a doll - I've got A3 posters of her in my window in the Strand Arcade that have been up for months and we haven't had one negative comment. The doll herself is in the window," Buckley said.
"Somebody's got a Michelangelo fan group on there and they do have a picture of the Statue of David ... why is that OK and this isn't?"
And these aren't just regular barbie dolls, they're high-end porcelain figures designed by Marina Bychkova of Enchanted Doll in Canada, featured in art and culture magazines all over the world.
Those who want to buy one face a two to three year wait and they can cost anything from $5000 to $45,000, which is the price one sold for on eBay in January.
"The shoe designer for Louis Vuitton collects her dolls and they're really hard to get hold of, they're really precious things, they're not just a barbie or something," said Buckley.
"They're the right scale for my jewellery, they interact with it visually, so I actually design collections around these dolls and their interactions with my jewellery."
For now, Buckley has censored the images of the dolls on her Facebook fan page but has posted the uncensored versions on a new group dedicated to the doll called "Save Ophelia - exquisite doll censored by Facebook".
Buckley wants to gauge Facebook's response to the images being posted on that group before deciding whether to put the uncensored version back on her own fan page.
Her emails to Facebook have so far fallen on deaf ears, although this may be because Sunday is a public holiday in the US. Buckley had also posted the photos to Flickr but these were removed for similar reasons.
"I've invested quite a lot of money in this campaign for my jewellery and I'm quite reliant on the Facebook page to get the message out," she said, adding thousands of people had said they love the dolls and imagery.
"You can invest thousands of dollars and months of your time building a new campaign and you put it on sites like Facebook and Flickr and it just takes one person [complaining] to bring the thing down.
"I've got another campaign coming up soon with another doll but I don't know what to do."
Ironically, while Facebook is overzealous in targeting relatively innocuous images on the site, it has been criticised by police for its unresponsiveness to real criminal issues.
The Australian Federal Police has said the site's woeful relationship with law enforcement bodies was hampering police investigations and putting lives at risk.
Facebook has been approached for comment.
Taming A Man by Making Him Wait for Sex
The fiery singer has revealed she turned down the British comedian - who she said was basically a 'professional prostitute' before he embraced monogamy - on the night they met.
She boldly told him 'You've met your match m****** f******' as she threw a plastic water bottle at him at their first meeting.
The pair hit it off instantly, Perry said in an interview with Esquire magazine, and went clubbing together that night.
But when Brand assumed he would be taking the songstress home, he was in for a surprise when she refused him.
'Can you imagine the horrible feeling he had when he was used to getting everything he wanted,' she told the magazine.
She demanded that he take her on a date, and the romance blossomed from there. A week later the pair were holidaying in Thailand.
Posing for a series of raunchy photographs for the magazine, the 25-year-old said she has reformed the former sex addict, who according to rumours used to sleep with up to 80 women a month.
'He was a heroin addict and now he's not. He was addicted to all kinds of things and now he's not. And he basically used to be a professional prostitute and now he's not,' she said.
'So he's an extremist, which can be both good and bad.'
'I always needed someone stronger than me and I am, like, a f****** strong elephant of a woman.'
'I say that hopefully in the humblest way I can. When we have an argument he knows I'm not just gonna throw my hands up and say, 'okay, you win.'
'Let's get into it. Let's start debating. Let's wrestle, Russell.'
And if he wasn't already won over, she further enticed the football fan by donning a West Ham basque and pair of hot pants with Rusty' on the back.
Perry said she had got through to Brand's 'deep layer.'
'I always like hitting that deep spot, and I knew that West Ham was a deep spot for Russell,' she said.
Perry, who will wed the Get Him to the Greek star in a lavish October wedding, also revealed details of their engagement for the first time.
Brand got down on one knee in Jaipur, India, and had organised fireworks, roses, and even an elephant.
'Russell had a little turban on and we got into a horse and carriage which took us to this tent made out of tens of thousands of roses.
'Inside there was a stage show featuring dances. Just before midnight an elephant turned up. A painted elephant.'
'We rode to another part of the hotel and watched the fireworks.'
Perry said the pair were incredibly similar.
'We're both larger than life. We're kind of cartoony.'
Perry is currently celebrating her single California Gurls reaching the Number One spot, while Brand has been receiving good reviews for his latest acting role.
Pelatihan Web dan Blog di banyumas
The Fortune/TIME/CNN Global Forum 2010
The theme of the conference was the New Global Opportunity. The phrase is not just a recognition that, as the world economy emerges from the Great Recession, there are markets aplenty in the developing world but also that, if we are wise, we will take the chance to build an economy that is more inclusive than before and more respectful of the need to conserve natural resources for future generations. That way, everyone will benefit. As former U.S. President Bill Clinton said in a keynote address to the forum, right now the world is "too unequal and too unsustainable to be stable." But it doesn't need to be like that. The question facing the more than 350 leaders of government, business and civil society assembled in Cape Town was how to help build a different world.
The developed economies of the Atlantic region are seeing a fragile recovery at best, one with little growth in jobs — and even that slow growth is threatened, in the view of many economists, by the hair-shirted fiscal tightening that has been seen of late in Europe. Concomitantly with the forum, world leaders at the G-8 and G-20 summits in Canada were wrestling with the question of how long stimulus programs that have injected much-needed demand into economies could be continued. In that context, the performance of what we will soon have to stop calling the developing world has been tremendous. China grew by 8.7% in 2009, according to official figures. India showed excellent growth too, and even in Africa — so long dismissed by seers as an underperformer — growth hit 2% before the recession took hold, which followed years when the continent was growing at the historically robust rate of 6% or more. (See more from the 2010 Global Forum.)
This isn't simply a function of the famous BRICs — Brazil, Russia, India and China — setting the pace. Indeed, as veteran global economist Kenneth Courtis of Themes Investment Management pointed out, Russia has fallen out of the club of most-favored developing economies, having been unable (so far) to use its endowment of natural resources to build truly world-class companies. With Indonesia increasingly catching the attention of business leaders, and Africa too, it might be time to try a new acronym: ABICI, for Africa, Brazil, India, China and Indonesia. Whatever you call them, the performance of the leading economies of the developing world has been sufficiently robust that political leaders like Rob Davies, South Africa's Minister for Trade and Industry, were able to trumpet the potential of south-south trade — while acknowledging that even the best-performing southern economies had been hurt by the continuing weakness in the rich world.
The caveat is important, especially if, as Oxford University's Ian Goldin warned, there remains the real risk of a double-dip recession in the most-developed economies. Household-debt levels remain worryingly high, which is bound to dampen the recovery of consumer spending, and some banks still have substantial exposure to overvalued assets. But the worrywarts notwithstanding, corporate titans in Cape Town could hardly restrain their sense of excitement about the opportunities in the developing world. For AstraZeneca's CEO David Brennan, DuPont's chair and CEO Ellen Kullman and management consultancy McKinsey's global managing director Dominic Barton, the story of the recession was the acceleration of a trend toward growth in the developing world that had been under way before the downturn started.
It isn't just that the developing world provides vibrant markets — 84% of the world's population lives outside the combined area of the North Atlantic economies, Japan and the four original Asian dragons — that explains the new corporate focus. Increasingly, it is the potential for low-cost innovation in the poor world that can provide goods and services that can be sold everywhere. From telecom to banking to medical supplies, companies are finding business processes and products in the poor world that they can apply and sell everywhere.
Rp 5 Trillion Credits for Small Businesses
"Now our credits in commercial financing worth Rp3 trillion are evenly provided to micro small and medium-sized and consumer businesses," Business Director of BRI Syariah Ari Purwandono said in a press release made available to ANTARA in Semarang, Central Java,on Sunday.
For that purpose, BRI Syariah would increase the number of its offices in business centers in the regions to exploit micro, small and medium business players, he said.
Can One Laptop per Child Transform Rwanda's Economy?
"I had heard from others who had the laptops that they were doing things, but when I got the laptop I was very excited and felt my dreams were coming true," Faina said through a translator. "I've found it easy. Learning how to use it is not too difficult."
The cute little laptop with its iridescent green keyboard is an XO, designed by the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) program. Rwanda has just finished a pilot OLPC program and plans to buy and distribute another 100,000 computers — at $181 each — to children by next June. A year after that, it wants to distribute laptops to half of Rwanda's 2.5 million schoolchildren.
OLPC wants to transform education in poor countries by giving children laptops that will, as it says in its mission statement, spark "collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning." The results of the deployment in Rwanda will, in some ways, determine OLPC's future; while the program has distributed more than 1.4 million laptops in 35 countries around the world, no nation as poor as Rwanda has embraced OLPC founder Nicholas Negroponte's idea so fully. Deployment there will be a proving ground for OLPC's premise, that distributing laptops to the world's poorest children will make their lives better. "What is different about Rwanda is [President] Paul Kagame's long-standing belief in us and us in him. We will walk to the end of the earth to help him and Rwanda," Negroponte told TIME in an e-mail interview. "We want Rwanda to be a showcase." (See Nicholas Negroponte's plan to bring cheap computers to the world.)
To understand Kagame's decision to invest in laptops for Rwanda, you have to understand his vision for his country's future. Kagame wants to triple the size of Rwanda's economy by 2020, no easy task in a tiny, landlocked nation that has no natural resources and whose history includes the 1994 genocide, which killed 800,000 people. (See the XO laptop, one of the TIME's Best Inventions of 2007.)
The President wants to make Rwanda a technology and services hub — another tall order considering that just 7% of the country's 11 million people currently have electricity. And that, curiously enough, is where the laptops come in. He and OLPC proponents hope the computers will both teach the students the language of technology and offer them a way to chase down simple information they lack but which kids in rich nations take for granted. According to the government's vision, the laptop will be the engine for the spread of electricity and Internet across the country. The government is paying to deliver power and the Internet to the schools where laptops are deployed. The surrounding communities will then be able to tap into those services.
"Rwanda has been taking a lot of bold steps to ensure that it speeds up its development because we've lost so much time," the Rwandan Education Ministry's OLPC coordinator, Nkubito Bakuramutsa, referring to the genocide. "Rwanda wants to place itself as a player, first in East Africa, then in Africa and then worldwide, and for that to happen, we want to make sure all the kids have minimal access to the same knowledge that you would have in New York or California or Japan."
Given that there is no hard data on the effectiveness of OLPC, it is a risky — and costly — experiment for Rwanda, a country with an annual budget of just $1.2 billion; the per-laptop price of $181 is also more than half the average Rwandan's annual income. Skeptics of the OLPC program ask why Rwanda and other poor countries should spend so much money on the program's specially designed XO laptops when teachers often earn less than $100 a month.
Indeed, Rwanda's poverty has thrown up some unexpected challenges to the OLPC vision. One of the program's key principles is to involve children more in their own education by giving each of them their own laptop to take home each night. But for now, the two schools in Kigali that use the laptops keep them locked up after the school day. One problem has been that parents say that they do not want to be held responsible if the laptops are lost or stolen. Several students have sold their laptops to unscrupulous buyers for less than $10 — to the kids and their parents, still an enormous sum.
Like children everywhere when they get their hands on an exciting new piece of technology, kids can also use the laptops to distraction. In poor places such as Rwanda, where children are so integral to a household economy from a young age, fetching water and helping with farming, for example, those distractions can be disastrous. "These are still young children and they are excited, they love laptops very much, beyond anything else, so the parents find it is becoming an obsession," said Francoise Murekeyisoni, the principal at Nonko primary.
OLPC workers say that by introducing laptops, they will allow kids to circumvent the shortfalls of their anachronistic national curriculum and poorly trained teachers. Rwanda faces other hurdles: a government decision to switch teaching from French to English, even though many teachers still don't speak English fluently; and the country has yet to recover from the fact that many of Rwanda's teachers were killed during the genocide. "We need to take these steps, start immediately and, as we go along, figure out a way to make it work," says the Education Ministry's Bakuramutsa. "We usually throw ourselves in the water and, while swimming, figure out how we're going to do the last steps."
seo magic, cara meningkatkan traffic
Saya yakin bisa asal konsep ini di jalankan dengan benar…,bila ini di terapkan pada web anda sesuai ketentuan maka:
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Jika Albert Einstein memakai persamaan e=mc² untuk menggabungkan potensi masa dan kecepatan cahaya untuk menghasilkan energi nuklir yang luar biasa itu ,maka kita akan memakai persamaan t=v1+v2 untuk mnggabungkan potensi web saya dan web anda untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang luar biasa pula.
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6. Selesai, siapkan counter tracker dan pengecek link misalnya sitemeter dan technorati untuk melihat hasil banjir traffic dan linkback web anda.
Apa itu t=v1+t2…?
t : Jumlah traffic yang akan di peroleh web anda dalam suatu hari
v1 : Jumlah pengunjung web anda dalam suatu hari
v2 : Jumlah pengunjung yang dimiliki v1 (pengunjung dari pengunjung web anda) dalam suatu hari.
Misalnya, web saya ini atau web anda dalam sehari memiliki rata-rata pengunjung 50 orang.., dan semuanya menerapkan konsep kita ini (SEO MAGIC TRICK) dengan benar, dan dari 50 orang itu masing-masing memiliki 50 orang pula pengunjung dari blog-nya , maka web kita akan berpeluang di kunjungi 50 ditambah 50 x 50 orang pada hari itu = 2550 orang , dan akan berpeluang terus meningkat pula hari demi hari ,karena setiap hari selalu ada pengunjung baru di dunia internet, setiap hari juga ada blogger atau web baru di dunia internet…
Misalnya, web kita memiliki pengunjung 50 orang dalam suatu hari, dan semuannya menerapkan konsep ini , maka dalam hari itu web anda akan mendapatkan 100 linkback ke web anda, yaitu sebuah link pada kalimat “SEO MAGIC TRICK” dan sebuah link pada link saya di kalikan 50. dan akan berpeluang meningkat terus hari demi hari….
Kenapa perlu di buat link link anda dan link saya pada posting…?
hal ini untuk menjaga keabadian link kita, karena seperti kita tau link pada posting lebih kecil kemungkinannya terhapus….
Bisakah kita berbuat tidak fair atau tidak jujur menyabotase konsep ini, misalnya “menghilangkan semua link asal” lalu di isi dengan web/blog kita sendiri…? ….Bisa, dan konsep ini tidak akan menjadi maksimal untuk membuktikan Kejujuran adalah strategi/politik terbaik…..Tapi saya yakin bahwa kita semua tak ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas diri sendiri dengan melakukan tindakan murahan seperti itu…